I am reminded of Shakespeare's iconic quote from Romeo and Juliet "What's in a Name? That which we call a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet!" The storm in a tea cup this time around is not because this name business has anything to do with humans or flowers but with the animal kingdom and that too with the First Couple of the Jungle, a pair of Lion and Lioness, although technically as of now they are the First Couple of the Siliguri Zoo. Mind you the name of the town being Siliguri has nothing to do with the silliness of the objection raised by some ultra zealous zealots, the Empress in question is ordained Sita and the Emperor is Akbar. That is sacrilege, and with such names it is an invite for the “Love Jihad” making its maiden foray in the animal kingdom as well.
Juliet in her naivete innocently enquired thus when Romeo’s Montague antecedents, and the implications thereof explained to her. Any other name would be ok, but then if Romeo was not a Montague we would have been deprived of this epic by Shakespeare. I would go on to say that love would probably not be the same if we did not have Romeo-Juliet and their desi avatars Heer-Ranjha. After all the lovers would not have anyone to swear by and look upto as their ideals in this amorous venture. Juliet in her soliloquy puts it across so succinctly, Romeo which is not hand or foot or arm or face or any other part belonging to a man. So Akbar the Lion is just a Lion and the name has no bearing on his being a Lion, it could have been anything. Incidentally until very recently wives took on the surname of the husband after the betrothal, the practice is on the wane amongst the elites, hoi-polloi though continue with the tradition. In many communities in India the first name of the bride is also changed by the in-laws, obviously they had either not read Shakespeare or chose to ignore it being a foreign idea.
Indians have naming ceremony, the “Namkaran samskara” as one of the sixteen samskaras mandated in Hinduism and unlike the West where they have an acute shortage of names, as is evident by their choosing the names of their fathers/grandfathers/grandmothers by merely suffixing the Second or Third or simply Junior. So we have George HW Bush Senior and George W Bush Junior, Elizabeth I & II and now of course King Charles I II & III. In India post independence the names were generally after the freedom fighters, then Bollywood took over gradually and Vijay after Amitabh Bachhan’s screen name and Rahul after Sharukh’s became very popular. Although of late Rahul is not sought after as the other Rahul has not yet come of age. These days the youngsters resort to finding the most difficult name as long as it is unique and different, so we have the latest one to join the bandwagon “Akaya” the second progeny of “Virushka”.
But we have digressed, this imbroglio of Sita and Akbar can be resolved by resorting to “nom de guerre", an assumed name under which a person or Lion/lioness engage in combat or some other activity(!). I think Romeo-Juliet or Heer Ranjha is quite appropriate, any takers……
Beautiful Suyash. Ashutosh
Such shenanigans provide satirical & comic relief. Its a matter almost as worthy as the debate between the Little-Endians and Big-Endians (Gulliver's Travels fame).
Nice read
Well written. Enjoyed reading it
Nicely penned down.
All is in a name these days with Panditji’s gutting their terms of reference after all planning has been done . With numerology the naming exercise has become a bit more intricate .
The current fashion of calling persons by abbreviated names has made names like Randhir a no no .
A nice subject and wonderful write up again Suyash . Keep them coming !!
Very funny take! The quest for unique names for babies in this generation has gone to such an extent that the names no longer need to mean anything, or be easy to pronounce (as with Elon Musk's progeny) !! I imagine that is not as much of a problem for the parents, as for the kids when they have to grow up and explain it to their peers. When it comes to naming animals, maybe we can resolve the issue by starting a numerological naming convention, such as Sher I and Sherni I :P
Heartiest congratulations Suyash on your 201st Blog. Truly commendable 👍👍
Quite interesting blog that deserves all praise. The only name that I remember is Sita Ram.
Innocent naming accidents do take place in life. Son Ashish used to call himself 'Ashik Balma' as a tinytot & used to wonder why it amused everyone!! Beautifully highlighted the silliness that human beings can rise to.. Moorkhta ka dauraa kahin bhee prastut ho sakti hai.....
Like Father You know how to play with words . Great 👍
Excellent Write up as usual . Keeps you engrossed . Congrats 👏
Sir, very well written👍
Wonderful content.....Thanks for sharing.
Humorous …… yet thought provoking
Enjoyed and smiled while reading 😇
Enjoyed reading
Excellent articulation
Nice n interesting.Your litrary skills are almost matching that of William Shakespeare Suyash.Nice anecdote..
Congratulations on 201st post. Today google is most sought to name newly borns😄
Compliments on churning out another Masterpiece - your 201st Post.
Brilliant writing as always. Enjoyed reading. All the Best.
Name is the name of the game. Low-hanging fruit. Our cities and now even the country which was always Bharat (the application to have the world call our own ocean the Bharatiya Ocean is being drafted).
Now the mane issue with names. Zoos could also do with some polarization, right? Are we getting really really weepy and touchy?
Nice subtle humour Suyash.
Nice write up
Enjoyed reading it
A wonderful blog !
Beautifully written Sir. Looking fwd to read more
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