Sunday 18 February 2024


 Air travel is supposed to make our travails into joyous pleasurable and fun rides and generally that is what it is. After all we have travelled distant far flung lands  in comfort  and in good time. We in the Army can’t forget our long winded convoys moving like a giant caterpillar and spending days together in cramped buses and trucks. We were really desperate pulling out all stops to secure a seat in the Air Courier, while preferred choice was Air India/Jet Airways but even the IAF IL-76 was considered a boon. The air courier journeys themselves are worth another blog, as we had goats, sheep, chickens, dogs also as our co passengers. Once in a while we had to make do with AN-32s as well, not as sturdy as the Ilyushins but still a lot better than the  ATRs, the smaller aircrafts utilised for those circuits where the passenger traffic is not adequate for a Boeing or Air Bus. ATRs also ply on those routes where the runways are too small or the approaches too difficult for bigger aircrafts to negotiate. By now, I have you wondering as to why am I, a hard core pongo (Army guy) talking about aircrafts. 

Well well.. on 14th Feb, the Valentine’s day,  we had a little escapade with the ATRs,  just a routine flight from Indore to Jabalpur for the Corps Reunion, taking off on time in true Indigo punctual airlines fashion.But midway the Pilot was on the microphone informing about visibility at the destination being poor and that the flight was likely to be delayed by about half an hour. Total flying time was just about 50 minutes and here we were in air for almost more than two and a half hours and still with no clue about our descent. Those of us travelling without our respective Valentines felt this was the punishment reserved for us.  This was getting scary and reminded me of another day, another flight which gave the passengers the idea of what a 1000 feet free fall was like. Air Deccan, the low cost budget airline had just been launched and they offered to fly people for just Rs 1 taxes extra, this was sometime in 2006-07 sometime, we booked ourselves on a flight from Delhi to Indore. We were a large brood with nine of us, siblings and kids in tow with my granny being the oldest who was touching nineties. It seemed like a jam packed flight and the aircraft was good old ATR, thankfully there weren’t any passengers without a seat, as with such ridiculous fares you could expect people prepared to travel standing. Halfway home, there was a sudden gust of cyclone which hit Central India and before the pilots could warn us the aircraft plunged into a sudden drop of altitude by almost a 1000 feet, masks dropped and our hearts were in our mouth, some people were heard shrieking and praying but my granny was cool as cucumber totally unfazed, as though it was one of those routine affairs for her. We were concerned naturally but in dire straits, numbers also help instil some courage. Thankfully,  the pilot also managed to stabilise the aircarft and we landed at Bhopal till the pocket of turbulence in Indore improved. But mind you the aircraft on the tarmac was of no comfort as the AC was not functional and it was quite a torture spending the better part of an hour there stranded.

The Captain of this Indigo flight, a Sikh gentleman aided by his first officer a lady pilot seemed to be in total control of the situation and decided to keep circling in and around Jabalpur, till he ran short of fuel waiting for the fog to clear. He then diverted to Nagpur and landed there for refuelling and sure enough by then even weather Gods had decided to permit us to go ahead for the Reunion at Jabalpur, else a 300 km road drive would not have been very welcome and may have ended up throwing a spanner in the works. May be for flights in  ATR (At your own Risk), the Air Lines should give out the statutory warning Flying in ATRs is at your own risk’ ! 


Sudhir said...


GladiatorAdi said...

Very nicely narrated Suyash!
The way things are going, Airports give you A feel of Railway Stations these days!
Delays and cancellations of flights has become a Normal!
All air tickets should come with a Statutory Warning - Fly at your own risk!

Anonymous said...

Air ways gradually going the way of Indian Rail ways. Happy times ahead.....Sahi Pakde ho Suyash

Karthik Iyer said...

Your Writings are as divine as it gets for me. To put it in perspective here I am in my rented apartment at Delhi which overlooks the runway of T3, reading "Two hoots and Three cheers"and discussing the flight safety a while back with my father who is lounging next to me in our balcony.
Wham! I get this article from you, I will never Risk Missing your articles sir. To me it's divine intervention in the best of ways! Please keep writing and sharing.Regards

Kpm said...

Great read on things we did not sign up for. Weather Gods can be unforgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Your article reminded me of our flight from Delhi to Bhopal. It does become scary and even the atheist start praying. Your articles bring back old memories, so my friend keep writing. It is a pleasure to read your blogs/ articles.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful narration

Anonymous said...

Great memory bhaisab.
You remember everything so clearly

BS Bisht said...

Well narrated narration by master storyteller Suyash.Really those were the days that even sabzi courier used to be a luxury...A much better option than travelling for hours n sometime days to reach our destination.

Anonymous said...

Many more air experience๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™o

Narinder Bahl said...

Suyash, I am reading your article sitting at Indore airport waiting for my flight UK 912 to Delhi which is already delayed by an hour and fifteen minutes and counting.
Perfectly timed article. Enjoyed reading.

Anonymous said...

At your own risk, hahaha.. I just had a very nice journey in an ATR wherein I flew past many 6+,7+ & 8+ thousander peaks in Nepal, incl the big dad. Unfortunately, the summit of Everest was covered in clouds so the photo was not complete. A very readable article, Suyash. Kudos

Brig vinod tandon said...

Thanks to indigo pilot. He did a great job ..indigo hss been in news for all wrongs :)๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Anonymous said...

Reminded of many such flights taken with our flyboys! They were always there to facilitate the crucial journeys of the Pongos!

Shiraz Varma said...

Crazy experience eh!

Sanjeev Pandit said...

Well written Suyash ! Air pockets added to the charm of flights ! Prayer time for some and roller coaster rides for the others !

Anil/ F/70 said...

Very well written Narrative.

Anonymous said...

The account of author’s ride in a Deccan ATR with his family of nine is factually wrong. Firstly with pressurisation system working fine, masks don’t drop and a rapid loss of altitude is no reason for masks to drop. Secondly in ATR the oxygen masks don’t drop. These have to be manually deployed using a MRT (Manual Release Tool) by the cabin crew. ATR is a very fine aircraft and most popular turboprop all over the world for its unparalleled economy, safety record and most modern systems onboard. Ignorance, as they say is bliss but can ne dangerous when propagated indiscriminately.

Sofie said...

Quite a sojourn for our intrepid traveller!