Monday 13 February 2023



This morning Jug Suraiya the famous columnist took to Speaking Tree, rather than his usual third editorial space on the universality or otherwise of 'universe'. The point to ponder is whether there is a single universe or many universes which emanated from the Big Bang. Well, honestly, if there are more than one, then it ceases to be a 'uni-verse', it can be 'bi-verse' or 'tri-verse' or even 'multi-verse'. I would like to believe, there is just one though, keeping it simple, else it would only get 'worse'. So if there is a universe as a product of the Big Bang, is there a case for a 'Re-verse' before it.  We would not be 'a-verse' to the idea at least. We have hardly 'tra-versed' the universe as we know it, but we have been composing 'verses' on the 'vers'-atility of this universe of ours. The di-'versity' of the topic is intriguing and no uni-'versity' is prepared to study even the in-'verse' of this ad-‘versity’.

Without tra-‘versing’ to the trans-‘verse’ section of the uni-‘verse’ we would be oblivious to the ob-‘verse’ which would give ad-‘verse’ publicity to the ‘vers’-atile populace of the philosophers. They are generally quite well versed with the contro-‘verse’ and can address them even without any con-‘vers’-ation. They o-‘vers’-ee the travesty and look at all the per-‘verse’ effects of the "us" versus "them" and are genuinely anguished by the re-‘vers’al in fortunes of sanity in general. To the un-‘versed’ these may seem to be a case of o-‘verse’nsitivity  over trivial issues but with all these Satanic verses appearing all at the same time, it is but obvious there is some sub-‘vers’ive plot being hatched. We need to summon well-‘versed’ and trained minds to unearth the mysteries of various versions of Universe.

As though this was not enough, it is time for Meta-'verse' now. So no more re-verses now, May a hundred verses bloom!! 



ggpamidi said...


Raj Jagga said...

The uni' verse is beautiful ! Some verse is better than no'verse. It is a pleasure to read your subtle humor. Bravo my friend.

Bisht said...

Dear Suyash,
Your verses indeed are very versatile.In the morning I was glancing through Jug Surya's article which i found bit boring but your verses is interesting n humourous.Keep it up n keep entertaining us with your musings.

Anil Kumar said...

Nice summation of verses

Anonymous said...

Re Verse..amazing outstanding insight...superb Magical

sofie said...

4 better or verse!

Anonymous said...

Awesome !

faraz said...

Your verses are extemporaneous..!
'Vers..atility' personified

Anonymous said...

Well versed with the topic.

Ashutosh Tewari said...

Well Versed

Anonymous said...

Versatility of your verses ........ Grt coherence sir

Kalyan said...

Very verse - atile !!

V Pramod Kumar said...

Interesting verses. Good. Wonderful.👍

Anonymous said...


Sudhir said...


Anonymous said...

Fully verse with universe

Narinder Bahl said...

Simply superb, Suyash!

jeetu said...

Brilliantly written.

Glad Gladiator said...

Amazing as always Suyash!

S K Dwivedi said...

A well versed and versatile person like you can make such a wonderful use of verses

Anil F/70 said...

A Great insight into the Various Facets of " VERSES" Suyash! Superb.
Just to add another " Verse" is " REVERSE OUTDOOR" ,in which most of us forgot certain essential Uniform items ,Which we borrowed across the Hedges from Squadron Juniors.

Vasandani said...
