Wednesday 8 February 2023

Page 3

There was a time when News travelled across the world through either the print media or later Radio. Today, Newspapers are no longer the only means of information of the happenings around the world, the electronic media has been the spoiler. With the ubiquitous mobile internet connectivity, perhaps it is only the old fogeys like us who still can't do without the morning paper. For us these are like the modern day rooster without them the day just doesn't seem to break. Accompanied by the morning cuppa the headlines are glanced at,  before settling down with the editorials. When the editorials are being read and absorbed heaven forbid if there is a disturbance of any kind. After all it's as sacrosanct as a ritual.  The sports aficionados spend the same amount of time gloating over their respective GOATS.  Soccer, tennis and cricket dominate this page, the others are the also rans. Most of us are quite clueless when it comes to the finances but a cursory glance is mandatory except when it is the Hindenburg hurricane shorting and sorting the Adanis out.

The supplement or the page 3 as it is more commonly referred to, is a remarkable piece of journalism. Yes, apart from the fact it is the most colourful part of the newspaper, both literally, and figuratively, it also contains the comic strips and some puzzles. Comic strips provide us the much needed relief from all the stress induced by  the gory details of the crimes committed or allegedly committed; wonder why all the details have to be covered in such graphic details when merely statement of facts would be adequate. Dennis the Menace, Beau Peep, Between Friends, Garfield, Wizard of Id, Calvin and Hobbes and so on in their subtle manner drive home the points, which  many would not be able to convey even with long essays. Sudoku, Scramble, Spellathon, Crossword are meant for the idlers or the oldies who have to while away their morning hours trying to keep busy to avoid household chores or running errands.

But Page 3 celebrities take the cake, the tabloids are meant for some Poojaa Rutnani, Aadessh Gupta, Mickey Warrraich... and so on, please note the distinct way of spelling or misspelling their names, apparently for the benefits of the astrologers. These dudes and divas strike funny poses in funny attires at parties where the high and mighty strut around. Some of them have starred in some funny sounding serials, which I bet very few would have heard of. Then there are Hollywood stars and starlets, the yuppies need to keep themselves acquainted with for sounding knowledgeable amongst the glitterati. In an earlier era when availability of porn was still restricted, may be the photos of some busts and breasts may have attracted a few looks, but this data is available in plenty, that too not just still but videos, on their fingertip, obviously these in print have  lost their charm.  I can bet about 95% of the readers wouldn't give a damn about the personal lives of these wannabe celebrities. May be they pay up to get their names and photos in print, for all you know. Page 3 is a make believe world, where nouveau rich like to flaunt their status and expect the masses to lap up the juicy gossips. The fact that someone had the bridal shower or came down to Delhi and savoured street foods in Chandni Chowk or graced the grand opening ceremony for some diamond showroom in Greater Kailash hardly interests anyone barring the person concerned himself. So much so that Madhur Bhandarkar made a National Award winning movie titled "Page 3”. 

The British set the ball rolling with the Tabloids like the "Sun"; in India The Times of India latched onto it by its own Page 3 version, apparently satisfying the hidden urge of voyeurism prevalent in most humans. Paparazzi are the modern day Peeping Toms  and are synonymous with Tabloids as they are assigned the task of getting the scoops which keeps the people drooling for more spicy gossips, even if it costs someone as eminent as Lady Diana's life. But the show must go on..


Anonymous said...

So true

Mike James said...

You should soon find yourself on some Page 3 somewhere. You deserve a spot. Alas most of the spots are paid for or leveraged in some form or the other.

Saurav said...

Wonderful,as usual, Sir. On a lighter note, wish more people return to the old times reading newspaper do that my company flourishes. Once again a great piece of reading Sir

Karthik Iyer said...

Those born in the 70s & 80s , have witnessed the full information spectrum.

News on school notice boards and gwacking primary schoolers trying to read & make sense of every new word,was my start point.

From news paper to Radios to TV to internet to mobiles to inshorts to chat GPT.
Technology is getting smarter, context is winning over facts, news viewers are galore,News Anchors are perpetually available sans the news fevoid the vocab & the news reader is now an endangered species. Page three too shall soon be just a page number!

Anonymous said...

Very well put sir.....the correct depiction of page hardly interests anyone other than the person concerned.....

Anonymous said...

Daily morning ritual for our generation people very aptly put. 👍👏

Surbhi said...

Spot on!!! Can’t agree more with your immaculate take on ‘page 3’

Sudhir said...


Pani said...

The print / electronic media haunt our minds as tombs of the rich and popular. Our hearts too are rich with fond memories of many of our teachers and seniors who left indelible footprints without much fanfare

Ashutosh Tewari said...


Anonymous said...

Page 3 works as morning laxative. Read all that crap sitting on the throne, it helps your own poop slide down your intestine smoothly. Electronic media unfortunately doesn’t have similar effect on bowels.

Kalyan said...

Page 3 is a fake world . The contenders who vie for a slot in the page pay hefty sums for either some business end or purely to satisfy a fetish .
Know a few hence the comment .
But well written as usual buddy . In fact the choice of topic is a bit odd as this world is rather murky ….

Anil Kumar F/70 said...

Very Well written Suyash!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done Suyash. A well wtitten , poignant overview of the newspaper world. I liked this piece for its gravitas

sofie said...

Nicely done Suyash. A well wtitten , poignant overview of the newspaper world. I liked this piece, strangely, for its gravitas.

Vasandani said...

Page 3 - stories of a fake world.
Excellent article Suyash.