Sunday 5 February 2023

Khaki Drill

 Khaki Drill, KD in short or just KD Shorts, form part of NDA working uniform; incidentally the erstwhile uniform of RSS also comprised Khaki shorts, they have now switched to dark brown trousers in conformity with the times. The Police forces have Khaki uniforms as against the Olive Green for the Army personnel. Khaki was chosen as the preferred colour as each service, Army, Navy, and Air Force have their distinct uniforms, Air Force adorns blue in conformity with the blue sky which is their domain and the Navy is dressed in spotless whites. Four pairs of KD uniforms were issued to the  Cadets on arrival in the campus, but by the time he passes out of the academy he has more than a dozen pairs with him. The uniforms did not multiply on their own nor were required to be stolen but as family heirlooms they were handed down the courses. It was not unusual to find a pair even a decade or more older. Cotton uniforms worn duly starched, had to be discarded after a single session of drill, as we needed a change for the academic sessions which followed, so four pairs just would not have sufficed. The new uniforms were whacked by the seniors, instead the older ones were handed over in lieu. But we were grateful at having received more numbers, it was quantity which mattered not the quality here.

Cotton uniforms were naturally more comfortable, shorts provided natural air conditioning which enabled all the monkey tricks that we  had to indulge in. Some of the antics for the unversed, included apart from sprinting for our lives, to rolling over trying to resemble a huge ball or haunching which would remind the onlookers of gigantic toads with hiccups, or sometimes just trying to be Hercules  by lifting the Hercules cycles over our heads and running around. Then there were times we would be more yogic in our pursuits curtsey our venerable sergeants or corporals, who would help us relax in near shirshasana pose with our legs up, rested on the wall with hands on the floor, some considerate souls who took pity on the hands decided to let the hands rest and let the heads take on the weight in the pose which was euphemistically called "Maharaja" position. Of course there were countless other interesting activities that we were busy with, a complete account will take up many volumes. 

But getting back to the Khaki, it was almost like a ritual that post breakfast the cadets would be lined up in the ground floor lobby where the civilian orderlies would be sitting on their haunches waiting for the cadets. Each cadets would stand in front of the orderly, who would then put his hands through the shorts and pull the shirts down in order to remove any creases in the uniform. For an onlooker, it is quite an intriguing sight as the orderly's hands renew  their acquaintance with the KD shorts everyday without fail. Although the KD Shorts were not the typical sports shorts that you see, these sported flairs like the bell bottom with the width exceeding even the length at times. Initially everyone is a little squirmish in letting a strange pair of hands travelling up the thighs, even if it was meant to just pull the shirt down. The feeling was almost similar to the bathing ritual in the Cadets washrooms, where Cadets discarded their clothes assumed the "digmabar" form for the shower. This seems quite normal, except that there are no shower curtains or partitions, the family jewels are displayed in public except that no one is interested in someone else's as they have their own prized possessions very much in place. 

No wonder ex NDAs are so close to divinity, after all they don't care for their personal belongings, adopt yogic poses , a life dedicated to  for the benefit of the mankind in general!


Anvesh said...

Sir may be an YouTube version of your thoughts will also be very interesting

Shiraz Varma said...

Your words fly me back to the hallowed portals .... A good supply of crisp cottons was so important....

Anonymous said...

Very interestingly brought out details of less known aspects for others to read and be aware. Series of these short articles are nice to read and enjoy as well.

Danny said...

The KD featured the comforts of the ubiquitous dhoti: light, with good ventilation to suit the humidity. More importantly, it could cope with all the rigours of a cadet's life, thanks to a simple but tough belt that gripped across the waist like a tourniquet. Always well-startched, you could get out if it and it could still be standing upright! Starched cottons, gleaming brass, shining leather...

Anonymous said...

Interesting read sir

Anonymous said...

Nice 👍

Ankit said...

Very good read sir

Sudhir said...


Nishant Kumar said...

The only belongings which were never a defi during the Kit Muster used to be KDs. Very well written Sir, I almost went back in time with the visuals of starched KDs giving pre Muster to my 4th termer before DST.

Kpmdas said...

Great read

Anonymous said...

Remember handing over KD treasure to our dhobi during the term break as there was hardly any space in our customised Trunk!!!

Suyash can write an article on customised NDA trunk which was used as mobile kitchen by Wifey during JC Course!!!


ktheLeo (कुश शर्मा) said...

Great details of a NDA cadet's life.,

Anil Kumar F/70 said...

Very Well written Suyash! Bringing back Good Old Memories of Academy Days.

Raj Jagga said...


V Pramod Kumar said...

Good one. Well written Suyash.
My experience with KD shorts dates back to my NCC days at School.
The Kerala police had a slot along the crease in the front of their uniforms shorts to insert thin bamboo stick to enable it to stand erect.
A nicely starched and ironed KD shorts of the Kerala police with two thin legs also provided the necessary cartoon stuff for RK Laxman.

Sofie said...

Ha HA ... I still recall "Mokashi" in the GFCL, back reclining against the wall, to straighten the KD creases, awaiting Cadets enroute to the muster!

Yogi said...

Sir, You weave a rich tapestry of memories with the Khaki Shorts - everyones prized possession during Academy days.

Nilabh said...

Nicely penned down.. Good read.

Yadvendar sood said...

Wondered 🤔 how you missed NCC days ...well interesting read

S K Dwivedi said...

After going through your writeup on KD one can visualise the daily routine of NDA. Very nicely written.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting sir..a reality..everything in NDA was for a purpose.

Anonymous said...

How come 5 stars torch with 5 th term batch : )

Shirin Deshpande said...

Superb humour, as ever! The nostalgia re-kindled so nicely sir!

Mike James said...

Nostalgic read as always. The KDs.

Saurav said...

Nostalgic. Thanks Sir for reliving it for all of us

Samby said...

Superb wit