Wednesday 16 February 2022


 Hijab is the latest storm in the tea cup, a couple of years earlier most of us would have concluded it to be a typo with "K" being omitted, i.e. mistaking it with "khijab". Khijab in Urdu, the language of love and poetry as they say, means hair colour or Hair Dye as it was known, till it changed colours from Godrej to Garnier. Khijab was a must have to preserve the youthful looks, as insecurities struck the potbellied middle aged person who was mortally scared of being addressed as "Uncle". In fact there was an advertisement which latched on to this very middle aged challenge. How I wish it was the Khijab which was the bone of contention as Hair today Gone tomorrow, would also have done the vanishing act and spared us this ordeal.

Alas, it is Hijab, the veil which has stirred the hornet's nest. The controversy which erupted all of a sudden erupted at a crucial juncture in Indian politics, with five states going to polls. Although Karnataka was not the affected state as far as elections go, but an emotive issue such as this has major ramifications pan India.Sure enough instead of quietly trying to resolve a deeply polarising issue, everyone was just stoking the fire. Media had a field day, politicians cutting across party lines started to wail whether "To be or not to be veiled". Some felt it was encroaching on the religious freedom enshrined in the constitution, while the others felt it was misuse of that very freedom especially in an academic institution. Some quoted the Quran, the others cited  Muslim countries  Saudi Arabia, Palestine where Hijab was not mandatory.

Wearing of Hijab is a personal choice, one can't dispute that, however, the requirement of adherence to a uniform whether in an academic institution or any other organisation is also mandatory and needs to be respected. There is no compulsion on anyone to join any institution, the choice to quit such an organisation should be exercised rather than seek an exception on such grounds.

Be that as it may, the controversy refuses to die down. As if domestic counsel was not enough, expectedly Pak joined issues, but surprise of surprise, the US too joined the bandwagon. Fortunately friend Trudeau is himself in truck turmoil, else he would have loved to do an encore a la Farmer's agitation. Politics makes strange bedfellows.....only these bedfellows are now intercontinental. "Vote ke liye kuchh bhi karega' borrowing from a forgettable Hindi movie "Love ke liye kuchh bhi karega" that is the only commandment which politicians of all hues colours and nationalities follow.


Unknown said...

Very rightly written,only question is whether it is deliberately timed? As Hijab is there since ages even in school,but controversy erupted now just before assembly election?

Deepak Makhija said...

We are going through a political identity crisis by a section, starting from CAA, triple talaq to Hijab....and why do our courts have to listen to the argument that any practice emanates from any religious book. There are certain verses which talk about dealing with non believers, so are we ready to allow that also..taken too far...let children grow without religious interference..

Agastya said...

Written and apt Sir

quasimodo said...

So true, anything for votes

Simha said...

Now that the supposedly ultimate male bastion in Pune has been annexed; could we land up in a sit wherein someone lands up with h!jab since so many men are around??!! Hope some no-nonsense rules are implemented post haste.

Unknown said...

Well Written. Hijab to Urdustan... Support coming from Canada also, not only moral, may be financial. Thing made an issue out of non-issue.

Unknown said...

Very well written

Abhijat said...

very aptly written. our politicians have perfected the art of manufacturing issues at crucial electoral moments, and the social media promotes unwarranted interference from their international counterparts which makes the completely unnecessary mountains out of such mole-hills :(

ktheLeo (कुश शर्मा) said...

पर्दा अक़्ल पर हो या सोच पर नुकसान ही करता है! उत्तम लेखन मित्र!चुटीला और समसामयिक व्यंग करती हुई रचना।

Maddy said...

So true....

Bisht said...

Very well written article Suyash..The controversy will remain till the conclusion of states assembly elections thereafter it will ebb down almost simultaneously.The intent is suspect due to its timings..

Akshaya Handa said...

Trust politicians all over the world to make an issue out of nothing. The fourth estate unfortunately is worst. In their bid to increase their revenues, they sensationalise even the most mundane issue and blow it up.

Bhuppy Sharma said...

Woww.... So well expressed without a bias.... Being just at the edge of neither here nor their(yes their)... Keep your pen going

Ashutosh Kale said...

“ I love your tongue in cheek style. Well articulated, sprinkled with the right humour and verve. Carryon the good writing. Not many of us have the gift.

Vipul Segan said...

Controversies during election time has become an integral part of our politics.
Very well written as usual.

Unknown said...

Very well brought out. Aptly covers today's scenario

Aman said...

Very aptly written. Come elections and the politicians need such kind of stuff to further their propoganda.

Esskay said...

contemporarily suttlle...

Abhi said...

I feel politicians can't be blamed for everything. It's a fact and trend that the Muslim community will slowly seek hijab, halal, holiday on Friday, Sharia... as time and population goes up. We will keep blaming the nor core issues i.e. politicians, timing, right wing, journalism, etc etc.

Surbhi said...

Very well brought out… politics need to make burning issues to survive… all parties play such games to provoke voters. … and the voters….dance to the tunes!!!

vishy said...

Sad...not sure if school girl in hizab even has a choice of dress...she must be envying free dress code choices of her friends...politics can bs made of aaloo..

S B Singh said...

Very well written 👍👍👍. Politicians trying to befool the public on a non issue. Scaremongering. Let's hope our mature public understands the machinations.🤔🤔🤔

arun sharma said...

True. We are living in politically polarised days. You have projected it well.

Sulabh said...

Political hisaab, hijab K peechey chup kar Kitab se kiya jaa rahaa hai.
Hamesha K tarah aapka lekh hai bemisaal aur prasangik.

Yogi said...

very well written Suyash

Yadvendar sood said...

Public sab jante par jagruk nahi..sab chalta attitude...Punjab children more aware laptop nahin job chaiye

Glad Gladiator said...

Amazing as always... Suyash!

Col Jitendra Singh said...

Rightly penned down Suyash. I think excess of freedom and democracy is being exploited by people in the country.

Rajiv Divekar said...

Well said.

Bubesh said...

While the politicians on both sides of the communal have gained by consolidating their vote banks, the losers are those girls. Many of them who otherwise would have not wanted to wear the Hijab are now forced to wear them due to political and social pressures..

Bubesh said...
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Sheraz Varma said...

K on the other end is what your current organization is trained to quell ... And exactly that is what's being done by thise politicians who have nothing on their scorecard....hijak the polls with yashmaks and their cousin kind. This being a rawther prickly subject, with guardians of the veil looking out to utilise any opportunities arising out of blaspheme - tread carefully lest some fatwa be promulgated by a dimwit, schooled in a low IQ affair. Alas, Alea Jacta Est, for matters of facewalls

Rohit Mehrotra said...

Very well written, as always.
You are absolutely correct that adherence to norms of an Institution/ Organization should not not be compromised to further vested interests of political parties or religious groups. Either one abides by the rules of the organization or may leave. Increasing public display of religious affiliations and polarisation of our society is a cause of concern.
Keep writing.

Sofie said...

In a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society like India, such fissures do exists, and are ripe for manipulation such that the divisions can be widened by friendly foreigners, not to talk of vested interests within the nations. We need to figure out how to innoculate ourselves as a society against such deleterious effects...

Vasandani said...

Suyash you express very well. This has been a burning topic a few days back

Anil/F 70th said...

A Controversial Topic handled with Non partisan Finesse,bringing out its Synchronous Genesis with State Elections followed by the Advisory to circumvent such Developments.

Suyash! Very Well written !!!

Asmita Reddy said...

Very very well written 👏 👌 👍