Wednesday 9 February 2022


 Mention of the word 'Reservation', is akin to showing a red flag to a bull, before you can complete your sentence that it was train reservation that you were referring to and not reservations for the supposedly downtrodden and oppressed, the youngsters will be up in arms. We have reservations  about the concept of reservation itself notwithstanding. Have you ever wondered, why are the train seats and berths reserved while flight tickets are booked or restaurant tables reserved!! You may attribute it to the Quirks of the Queen's language! 

While I have been singularly fortunate having joined the Armed Forces, where no such reservations are prevalent, our generation had its first major encounter in1989, when the word reservation became a part of the lexicon for the youth, when Mandal and Kamandal were pitched against each other. Kamandal signifying the Ram Janmabhoomi movement and Mandal named after Mandal Commission which had recommended 27% additional reservation for the OBCs (Other Backward Castes). While we were aware of reservations in Govt jobs and professional institutions for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, it was limited to 10%. A sudden jump of 27% percent shook the students out of their stupor and they reacted by playing with fire, literally immolating themselves against the implementation of this ill advised policy amendment by the then PM Mr VP Singh. Without going into the gory details of the tragic consequences of that agitation, suffice to say, the students ended up losing not just their seats in academic institutions but also subsequent prospects of decent Govt employment opportunities as well. 

When Reservation was conceived by the architects of the Constitution it was supposed to be for a period of ten years as a temporary measure. How it came to be perpetuated ad infinitum is the story of blatant opportunism across party lines. 

Anyway, to return to the present day situation where my daughter is an affected party courtesy the latest Medical PG Entrance reservation policy of allocating 65% seats to various reserved categories and leaving just 35% for the General category. The irony of the situation dawned on us when discovering her plight despite such a good score in the Entrance test, our chef commented wryly, “Aap General category hain na!!”(Unfortunately you belong to the General category). Reverse discrimination was as blatant as it could be. A couple of years back, my friend’s nephew was going steady with a girl, her classmate in a professional institute. When the boy’s parents approached the girl’s parents for marriage, they were refused point blank because the girl belonged to a reserved category and they did not want their progeny to lose the privileges granted due to the reservations available in all walks of life in India.

Where does this leave the General category middle class student, he is suddenly made aware that he is underprivileged because he/she belongs to a supposed Upper caste, whose ancestors more than a century ago suppressed the so called people whose progeny today enjoy this privileged and exalted status. The irony is city dwellers were probably not even aware that the caste conundrum had such ramifications. Situation in the rural areas though is different, there are a number of incidents where the Upper castes are reported to have carried out atrocities on the downtrodden, but even there it is the rich Upper caste and not their poorer kith and kin as they are subjected to similar humiliation due to their penury. 

The Fourth Estate has played a very negative role in perpetuating casteism by dutifully highlighting only one side thereby vilifying entire communities. During elections, our national jamboree and favourite pastime this is taken to ridiculous levels, where only caste calculations are highlighted right from the selection of candidates to demography of the constituencies. I wonder why such blatant caste based analysis and reporting is permitted. The liberals would argue that by merely ignoring and not reporting this phenomena is not going to disappear, yes but having overdone it for almost seven decades since independence we are nowhere near getting rid of this monster either. Isn’t it time we change tracks, look for other alternatives or shall we continue in this same state, thereby further increasing the chasm into an unbridgeable social divide. 


Unknown said...

A deep and interesting analysis.Suyash keep writing every article increases our thirst to resd more of your articles

Ashutosh Tewari said...

Recommend you write a book on 10 such mistakes since independence. Or, a suchlike topic. I think I need to start a movement for reservations for my types...The highest, purest, accomplished Kankubjya ब्राह्मण....
Beautiful n pointed

KPM Das said...

Sad. Such a devious model to apply in education

Deepak Makhija said...

This article resonates with plight of every Deprived forward class parent and child. Will this end ever...unfortunately never...India seriously needs a reset..

Reji Koduvath said...

Reservations are only for Hindus, Sikhs and Budhists as per Indian Constiution. Christians and Muslims are not in SC/ ST category.
Christians and Muslims enjoy minority status and hence could start educational institutions and hospitals. Moral of the story - If you want to spoil a community, give them reservation, else give them education.

Bubesh said...

I can understand the anguish your daughter must be undergoing Suyash.. After such a gruelling hard work and getting a good rk in PG NEET, to be told to go back in the line bcos some ancestor from her so called caste 'presumably oppressed other caste' is agonizing, to say the least. Salt will get added to the injury when she sees the rich and powerful, the crème de la crème from the so called reserved castes continue to enjoy the ' cream of reservation' for the generations in row and not declaring themsleves as the 'creamy layer'..

Nitin said...

On point Sir, as always

ktheLeo (कुश शर्मा) said...

Logical and well written.

Unknown said...

Suyash I eagerly wait to read article from you. Nicely written. Keep it up.

Shirin Deshpande said...

So well articulated sir. The predicament is so sad & the anguish in my Law aspirant son of "kya baba, kaash we could have been in some category at least!" is so telling... Nice choice of topic to articulate!

Rajiv Divekar said...

Yes, it is frustrating that inspite of getting good marks, one doesn't admission due to reservation. I wish this is addressed. Good article.

Vasandani said...

Superb Suyash. Love reading your blog. All the very best.

Anup said...

Undoubtedly a pointed and crist piece highlighting the never-ending ills of this obsolete system. Good one.

Ashu said...

Very well written suyash as always. I am also a victim by not getting an admission in MBBS after scoring 90 marks where as others got it with 48 marks. Note the difference. In OBC there is still a clause of Creamy layer however in case of SC ST even this is not there. Advantage being taken from generation to generation even if first generation rose to reach a level of secretary to the Govt. Facilitation May be given but by way of free quality education, relaxation in merit limited to 10 percent or so but not in number of seats or vacancies. All so called upper caste doctors to stop treating reserved category politician and their families. Let them be treated by the reserved category doctors after they are more than 50 %. Just my views Not to be politicised.

Rohit Mehrotra said...

Superb as always.
Unfortunately, there is no one to take cognisance of this absurdity.

Sandeep Malik said...

Very valid points, as usual, Suyash. Time to stop the exploitation of this facility by the creamy layers in all categories, SC,ST and OBC in perpetuity.

Sofie said...

Delivery of social justice has its quirks, sadly

Sunil said...

Your writing is really interesting and make one ponder on issues never really paid heed . Seriously you must write a column in one of the good newspapers . I loved the content. Sadly no political party has the will to take these reservations out. This is here to stay.

Unknown said...

Politics thrives on division in society. Nobody has the will to tame the monster of reservations

VM said...

Hitting bull's eye once again sir.. It's high time that our judiciary and govt took steps in right direction..

Vinod Shanker said...

Well articulated views which amplifies the essence of the subject and also brings to the fore it's pitfalls, well written and keep it up

Patanjali Puri said...

You touch upon an extremely relevant and important issue here, Suyesh. But what's the way forward? Who is going to do anything to course correct this anomaly? I seriously wonder...

vishy said...

100%.. its easy for govt to include an " AND" Clause of economic condition as well to start with...the problem in my view is reservation quota fully exploited by well do affluent OBC category who manage entry by 45 % marks...take the case of NEET exemption sought by TN own so to say high on litracy....only student strike of unprecedented order can solve it..

Sheraz Varma said...

Quite a raging issue for all students, caste or otherwise. That perhaps still makes joining the armed forces a noble vector. Students of Patiala medical College were out on the main road blocking all traffic, in 1991. Our military vehicles to had to temporarily stop as the traffic congested. The very same students told us to take the side gate and Bypass because they knew our apolitical stance as is common to the uniform. All they said was please convey our anguish to the government.

Anonymous said...

An insightful article Sir. Rules, previleges, and such are meant for good, which often get hijacked to the good of a few who see it as a Goldmine. Always will such attract multiple viewpoints. Agree and get castigated Or disagree and be ostracised.

Sulabh said...

So the exodus continues to foreign lands....

Glad Gladiator said...

Very insightful and interesting thoughts! Suyash!!!

Unknown said...

A wild thought - provide reservation and subsidies till class 12, financial assistance to those who have availed the privilege constructively during graduation and thereafter on merit basis on a level playing field

Yogi said...

covered all aspects. well written and issue needs some pragmatic solution with win win situation for all.

Unknown said...
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Beautifully articulated...the only silver lining being our Armed Forces untouched by the untouchable syndrome that takes centre stage in our great nation.

Vasandani said...

Superb Suyash. So well written