Saturday 8 January 2022


"Toxicity" was a 2001 chartbuster from the band "System of a Down", while it is supposed to have focused on the other forms of toxicity prevalent in the society then, drugs, religion, corruption and so on. Today the additional form of toxicity which is way more pernicious and has effected all and sundry is the 'social media' variant. Sometimes I think it ought to be labelled Anti social media, because that is precisely what this medium of communication has turned out to be. A true Frankenstein, it has transformed perfectly sane and sensible people into 'Digital Devils'  who drive perverse pleasure in spreading all kinds of falsehood without batting an eyelid or considering the consequences of their irresponsible acts. The phone has become smart but it has turned its owners into dumb fools.  On line Trolling has assumed gigantic proportions, since the phone is ubiquitous, the access to this medium to hurl invectives in an anonymous manner has given such a tool to the goons that they have simply gone berserk. Everything is fair game here, there are no holy cows; in a strange way it has democratised trolling! 

While people in public life, celebrities learn to live with the constant glare and scrutiny, probably they even relish it, but of late the levels  of abusive language has reached its nadir. Amazingly, the media platforms seem to be encouraging these activities rather than curbing them in the name of a misplaced perception of freedom of expression. This freedom comes at a huge cost, that of human decency, common sense and sensibilities. These days religion has come to the fore I am appalled  at the what's app posts which I often encounter in many of the groups that I have been part of. Shockingly these friends of ours have been our best buddies through thick and thin;  but even they have undergone a change. I am not sure any longer whether these views have emerged now from some deep recess of their hearts where this hatred lay buried or it is this constant social media barrage which has made them review their own beliefs. Unfortunately there is a huge distrust between the two sides, and one must belong to either of them, else you are branded as the 'other'. Sane voices who could accept genuine criticism have suddenly become extinct.

The latest 'hatemongers' have unleashed "Bulli Bai" supposedly an app developed for auctioning Muslim women on GitHub, a provider for internet hosting owned by Microsoft. While the culprits have been arrested, the app has been taken down, the malaise is much deeper and needs serious introspection by everyone. We knew propaganda is a powerful tool, Joseph Goebbles proved it in Nazi Germany, it indoctrinated millions into believing in Aryan supremacy. We have also witnessed the rise of fanaticism in the name of Islam being in danger and Jihad. India mercifully was spared although one can't deny the existence of fringe elements. Then why is the largely peaceful democratic society of ours turning vicious and itching for a civil war. Some would blame the present dispensation for the ills facing the society, others would find fault with the opposition, some others would lay the blame squarely on the fanatic religious leaders, to an extent all these reasons have contributed to the mess. 

The digital Czars Microsoft, Google etc too have assumed larger than life proportions and in their greed for profits have forsaken common sense and decency in their business models, else how can you explain apps such Bulli Bai being approved for hosting or even tool kits for spreading discontent in any society. They have been raking in the moolah with no responsibilities whatsoever on the consequences. They need to be reigned in, I know this may be anathema to the liberals but liberty is only possible when accompanied by responsibility, else measures need to be instituted to correct that.Print and electronic media too need to take a lesson in objectivity rather than the highly partisan reporting which they have been indulging in over the last couple of years.

Each one of us is responsible for his own beliefs and behaviour, collectively these should contribute to the cause of society and nation building and if that is not the case we need to look within! 


GladiatorAdi said...

Very true Suyash!

GladiatorAdi said...

Amazing as always, Suyash!

Mike James said...

Fair assessment. Though the present scenario is mainly due to the present Govt turning a blind eye to certain misdemeanours. In 2014 I had predicted this state of affairs and I am no clairvoyant or genius. It was so obvious. Just pray they wake up in time.

Sheraz Varma said...

Latent Frustration finds many a conduit though the anti-social media (apt coinage). Invectives have always been the weapon of the masses, but now the sheer magnitude is laid bare. Society I guess has turned evil,a reflection of our leanings. It is in times like this, I know that we are headed to perish. The end of Homo Sapiens will lead to rise of Homo Deux. The putrified society is but a vector towards the new, safe future. Objectification of women has been around, by many means, Bulli, or otherwise. Time to renew humanity,as Homo Deux

Unknown said...

Beautifully penned sir

Pranay Vyas said...

Very true and nicely written congratulations 👏

Col Tyagvir Raghava said...

Great Suyash

KPM Das said...

A sad commentary. What is also new is that the social media toxicity has dented the real and physical world dynamics. And on a lighter note, the family WhatsApp groups have changed the otherwise stable family milieu. Great read Suyash. So timely.

Unknown said...

Very well written Suyash. This malaise is assuming frightening proportions.

Sofie said...

The bane of social media is that some of worst of human nature finds unfettered expression. I wonder whether open democratic societies can find a solution, without changing their basic nature...

Amrik said...

Great Suyash

Vasandani said...

Fantastic Suyash. Thanks for such a lovely reading.

Akshaya Handa said...

Aptly described.

Albeit, I have never understood, the need to apportion blame - present dispensation, latent frustration or the big tech? Your last para, “each one of us is responsible for his own beliefs and behaviour“ is sufficient to overcome the malaise.

As kids we were to taught to avoid 3 types of conversations and people - one, who criticise;two, which involve hate ; and three, which describe a problem without giving a solution. We were taught that they have negative vibes. If one can just follow it on oneself, the problem can be overcome.

Dev said...

Hi Suyash. A timely post. All right thinking people are feeling bludgeoned by the noise in the digital world. Social media pronouncements by trolls exemplify the Hindi saying बंदर के हाथ में उस्तरा. In the pre-internet era these nutcases could make themselves heard in small circles only but thanks to technology they can now perform in front of a large audience and that makes them even more daring and foolish.

quasimodo said...

Dear Sir,
Hate has always lurked around in society,the riots not just in Gujrat but earlier ones dating back centuries. Radicals too have always been around. It is just that the means of discourse have undergone a technological change, thus enhancing the speed of dissemination. The other issue is the relative anonymity and the lack of social/ personal connection with the "other" person , thus effectively dehumanising the process of communication.
This state is due to a feeling of victimisation/ fear/ denial- deprivation of various agendas ranging from religion to power, influence and cultural mores. The funny thing is that it works both ways and hence one has these radicals in all communities and ideological groups.
As far as big tech is concerned, moolah is the only religion and hence expecting a balanced approach is near impossible. Bad news sells. I mean , how many people actually support a positive news outlet eg The Better India?
The only answer is to invest in a good and objective education system that teaches values as much as theories

Unknown said...

Congratulations Suyash,a great read... keep it coming

Rohit Mehrotra said...

Blog is right in time, and bang on target.
You are absolutely correct in saying that social media with its misplaced freedom for expression coupled with greed of software majors cannot justify wrong things.
Our social fabric has taken a severe beating and is witnessing downhill progression. Never before between friends and coursemates did this issue arose regarding 'we' versus 'they'. It is appalling to see this happening. Quite disturbing to see the
polarisation of society for vested interests by our politicians. We certainly need to introspect.
Very well written. Congratulations. 👏👏

Deepak Makhija said...

Very Apt

Unknown said...

Very true, social media has already become toxic and evil for society,self promotion, media attention leads to encourage us to use/misuse it more and more,sooner rather than later we must address that

vishy said...

very apt and thought provoking..i will call it kind og Neurosys..OCD at best to thrive on and post items on social media on which others feed... i happened to read DEEP WORK BY Cal Newport that explores other manifestations of the topic..tnks..

C SPrabhakat said...

Well written Suyash. You have brought out the toxicity in the society very well.

Vicky said...

Very apt and well brought out aspect

Sunil said...

Well written. So very true.

Asim said...

Well articulated - The ironical ubiquity of the phone - a Bane or a Boon is paradoxical puzzle of our times! Fortunately the Super information highways today also mitigate a Goebels Propoganda age...that Bulli Bai could be taken down.

archna said...

You have portrayed the thoughts of a sane and sensible Indian,who, unfortunately,are an endangered species!! All of us need to act and behave responsibly both online and offline. Thought provoking article!!🙏🙏

Sulabh said...

Very apt and relevant, self assessment is need of the day...

JPS Uppal said...

An essential debate strated by you Suyash.

Patanjali Puri said...

Well said, Suyash.

66 said...

Very true. What is personally distressing to me is the way the WhatsApp groups have been split asunder by polarised views.

Unknown said...

Thought provoking Blog... People have to understand current environment

Vipul Segan said...

So very true. This monster needs to be tamed. As users, we need to use our wisdom to differentiate right from wrong.
Very well written

KS84Iyer said...
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KS84Iyer said...

I remember your words sir.
"Don't be a passenger", we all must contribute without distractions. Those days social media was not there. Even our daydreaming was as it turnsout,....harmless!
The current times not so.