Sunday 22 September 2024


Odisha is the land of  Bhagwan Jagannath and Sun temple of Konark, we are also reminded of the famous battle of Kalinga which transformed Ashoka the Great. It is the state of Biju Patnaik who was a national hero of not only India but also Indonesia, Odishi dance form, the birthplace of rashogulla (contested by the Bengalis though) and of course unparalleled nature's bounty. Chilka the largest brackish water lake in India, its coast the breeding ground for turtles and Chandipur range where India has been testing its technological prowess from time to time. Yes it was also the state of Kalahandi where India faced the ignominy of starvation  deaths and the infamous burning down of Christian Missionary Graham Staines with his two sons. But by and large Odiya people are peace loving and God fearing, that is what I had also gathered when I visited Puri, Bubaneshwar, Konark, Gopalpur etc and generally carried that impression until the day when the news of police brutality of a lady and her fiancee broke out. To make matters worse, the fiancee was a serving Army officer and his fiancee was a retired Brigadier's daughter. 

We know that police has a reputation of being high headed, despite coming directly under the respective state,  in this context across the length and breadth of the nation there is a uniformity in approach and actions. It is a fact that FIRs are not recorded, instead the complainants are generally roughed up and discouraged from lodging a formal report. We also understand how the system functions, so the less the number of FIRs, better the state of law and order at least statistically, but actually that is a fallacy. Having known all these aspects and being aware of their past track record, the couple still felt, that they had a chance where the police would react to their complaint and address the issue. May be they felt the recent Kolkata incident would have some effect on the sister state and such acts of eve teasing and hooliganism would not be tolerated. Alas, even in their worst nightmare they would not have imagined the response which they received at the hands of men and women in uniform, though Khaki towards the Olive Greens. 

Without going into the gory details, which most of us are aware by now, I have been pondering over the reason for this outrageous behaviour by the police authorities. In the last couple of years the police high-headedness towards Armed Forces personnel has become more of a norm than an exception. Just the other day there was a report from Rajasthan where it required Col Rajyawardhan Rathore a cabinet minister in the state govt who had to give a piece of his mind to the erring officials who had the gall to tell the soldier that "Hum Police wale tum Army walon ke baap hain" or words to that effect. Irony of the situation cannot be lost on the reader that it is the Army who has come to the rescue of the states each time the law and order situation deteriorates and have to work in close cooperation in Jammu & Kashmir or the North East. The police forces are also headed by IPS officers which is an all India cadre of Group A sevices, the Armed Forces are also officered by Commissioned officers who enjoy a similar status in the hierarchy. We are aware that at the time of independence the Armed Forces enjoyed an exalted status vis a vis the Police Forces but over the years we have witnessed  quite a steep degradation. But the worst blow was the introduction of Non Functional Upgradation for the Group A and B services which was unjustly denied to the Armed Forces. Ever since then, despite a number of clarifications on the subject, all and sundry claim to be senior to the Army officers with equal number of years in service. That feeling has trickled down the cadres and has resulted in this disdain towards army personnel. Earlier it was a common sight for Army flag cars to be saluted by the police personnel deployed for traffic duties, but these days it is not so. 

Every organisation tries to protect its personnel, but when an incident of this nature occurs before trying to save their own, they must honestly ascertain the facts before resorting to the usual SOP in such matters. The fact that the Army Commander and General Officer Commanding of the Area HQ had to intervene is a testimony that things are obviously not normal. Army personnel have acted with phenomenal  restraint as they could have taken steps unilaterally as has happened on some occasions earlier. Oft quoted example is of erstwhile Chief Minister of Punjab Pratap Singh Kairon's son being taken to task by the local Commanding Officer when one of the ladies was targeted by the goons led by his son. General Thimayya's  response when questioned was that if the Army can't protect its women, then how were they expected to protect the nation. Times have changed, I think the authorities have reacted very responsibly and now it is upto the Police Forces to demonstrate that they too can follow the righteous path by giving exemplary punishment to the defaulters that too in a well defined time limit. Unless we set such precedences these incidents will only increase. I am hopeful sanity will prevail.


Anonymous said...

Very well put across......police NEEDS to learn from the armed forces.

Anonymous said...

Very well articulated sir, it’s bad state of affairs… such incidents will certainly affect morale of Armed forces ..

Anonymous said...

Let’s see no such instances happen in future and when a defence person informs his identity to any government functionary he is given due respect. Let’s hope Army doesn’t have to police the police ever.

Anonymous said...

👆Gopal Verma

Anonymous said...

It’s a sad state of affairs. High handedness of police needs to be dealt with from the highest levels, lest we are being akin to a banana republic. Sad day for Indian democracy and specially for the men in uniform, the Indian Armed Forces.

sheraz varma said...

This chasm will widen, with time. Police Forces serve different masters, of money. That's the prime factor. And Armed Forces serve Izzat. Twain shall never see eye to eye.

GladiatorAdi said...

Insightful piece, Suyash. It starts from the Top. Top leadership needs to take some concrete action to put the police in its place!

Nilabh Biswas said...

Time has dawned to teach these people a lesson who knowingly does such shameful acts .
We need to come together and fight such perpetrators.

Anonymous said...

I am of the View, CDS alongwith 3 Service Chiefs must meet the Hon'ble PM without any Delay, "to Request him that Advisory be Issued by Ministry of Home Affairs to All the States & Union Territories With Strict Instructions that Indian Armed Forces Personnel must be Treated by Civil Admin & Police with Respect of Highest Order. Else Please don't Expect them to Provided you Aid to Civil during All Types of Disasters/Calamities with Same Spirit, like they Have during Safe-guarding the International Borders Round the Clock." This Step is Essential to Uplift their MORALE & SPIRIT FOR THE SAFETY & INTEGRITY OF THE NATION FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES & INTERNAL THREATS.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This aspect o the police force needs to be immediately restricted
And if the Orissa Police wants to stand in solidarity of the culprits .. they need to be brought to the books and given exemplary punishment
And just transfers won’t work
The procedure will include suspension first followed by enquiry, but public memory is very short lived!

Prince Paul said...

Well articulated by Suyash.
Allow me to ask a question to all here on this forum. Let us acknowledge that policemen typically behave in a high-handed manner (probably a need of their job since they routinely deal with hooligans). The question is would they have behaved in the same manner if the couple had introduced themselves as IAS/ IPS officers or even as local Politicians? Ask this question and then we will know where the ‘army’ stands. It appears it’s stands for nothing in their minds…
How does our establishment make sure we are ‘somebody’ …. who within our system will stand up to this challenge….

Anindya and Padam have done their bit… we need more …

Anonymous said...

We have look after our own, nobody else will. Society has always been an acronym for Jungle. Pack looks after its ilk.

VM said...

Very well articulated sir.

Few relevant points for consideration to restore the pride and status of the armed forces:-

- Warrant of precedence needs to be re-visited and revised.

- The CDS and three Chiefs must immediately discuss it out with honorable RM and ensure that the culprits are brought to book. The suspension of culprits is a mere eyewash.

Promulgation of clear guidelines /advisory to the states to ensure that the armed forces get their due in the day today affairs by the civil machinery.

- Early implementation of NFU for armed forces to ensure parity with their civil counterparts. One can see the massive flip side of it (non implementation of NFU) even while applying for jobs post - retirement, especially in the govt sector/PSUs, where your length of service and experience doesn't matter. They just look at the pay scale last drawn.

- It's high time that armed forces took up the cudgels, before it's too late.

VM said...

Further to my earlier comments above, the details about warrant of precedence given by major Navdeep Singh or as follows:-

Indian Military : Service Benefits and Issues
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Actual Warrant of Precedence

Notes : (a) This Warrant of Precedence is compiled from a joint consideration of the existing Central Warrant of Precedence (which is till the rank of Major General) and Warrant of Precedence – 1937, as per Minstry of Home Affairs' directions contained in Letter No 12/11/99-Pub II dated 26 Dec 1966, the validity of which has been confirmed by Letter No 12/1/2007-Public dated 14 Aug 2007. The MHA has confirmed in 2007 that the Old Warrant of Precedence shall be taken as a guide to determine ranks below the ones mentioned in the current WoP.

(b) Only the posts which are existing and relevant in the present scenario have been mentioned in this Warrant of Precedence. Military ranks have been highlighted.

1. HE The President of India

2. HE The Vice President of India

3. Prime Minister

4. Governors of States within their respective States

5. Former Presidents

5A Deputy Prime Minister

6. Chief Justice of India / Speaker of Lok Sabha

7. Cabinet Ministers of the Union / CMs within their States / Former PMs

7A Holders of Bharat Ratna Decoration

8. Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and High Commissioners of Commonwealth Countries / CMs outside their States / Governors outside their States

9. Judges of the Supreme Court

9A Chief Election Commissioner / Comptroller & Auditor General of India

10. Deputy Chairman Rajya Sabha / Deputy CMs of States / Deputy Speaker Lok Sabha / Members Planning Commission / Ministers of State of the Union

11. Attorney General of India / Cabinet Secretary / Lieutenant Governors within their UTs

12. Chiefs of Army, Air and Naval Staff

13. Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary accredited to India

14. Chairmen and Speakers of State Legislatures within their States / Chief Justices of High Courts within their jurisdictions

15. Cabinet Ministers of States within their States / CMs of UTs within their UTs / Deputy Union Ministers

VM said...


16. Officiating Chiefs of Army, Air and Naval Staff of the rank of Lt Gen or equivalent

17. Chairman CAT / Chairman Minorities Commission / Chairman SC & ST Commission / Chairman UPSC / Chief Justices outside their jurisdiction / Puisne Judges of High Court within their jurisdictions

18. Cabinet Ministers of States outside their States / Ministers of State in States within their States / Chairmen and Speakers of State Legislatures outside their States

19. Chief Commissioners of UTs not having a Council of Ministers within their UTs / Deputy Ministers in States within their States

20. Deputy Chairmen and Deputy Speakers of State Legislatures outside their States / Minister of State in States outside their States / Puisne Judges of High Courts outside their jurisdictions.

21. Members of Parliament

22. Deputy Ministers in State outside their States

23. Army Commanders (GsOC-in-C) / VCOAS and equivalent in other services / Chief Secretaries to States within their States / Members of Minority Commission / Secretaries to Govt of India / Secretary to President / Secretary to PM / Secretary Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha / Solicitor General

24. Officers of the rank of Lieutenant General or equivalent

25. Additional Secretaries to Govt of India / Addl Solicitor General / Advocate Generals of States / Chairman Tariff Commission / Chief Secretaries outside their States / Director CBI / DG BSF / DG CRPF / Director IB / Lt Governors outside their UTs / Members UPSC / PSOs of Armed Forces of the rank of Major General and equivalent

26. Officers of the rank of Major General and equivalent / Joint Secretary to Govt of India

27. Vice Chancellors of Universities

28. Commissioners of Divisions within their respective charges

29. Brigade Commanders within their respective Charges

30. Brigadiers / Inspector General of Forests / Inspectors General of Police

31. Commissioners of Divisions outside their charges

32. Secretaries to State Governments

33. Colonels / Accountants General / Chief Conservator of Forests / Chief Engineers / Inspectors General of Prisons / Members of ICS (now known as IAS) and Indian Political Service (now Indian Foreign Service) with 23 years ‘ standing

34. Controller Military Accounts and Pensions (now CDA)

35. Commissioners of Income Tax / Deputy Commissioners within their districts

36. District and Session Judges within their charges

37. DIG of Police

38. Lieutenant Colonels / Conservators of Forests / IAS and Foreign Service officers with 18 years standing / Superintending Engineers

39. Excise Commissioners / Registrar of Co-operative Societies

40. Deputy Commissioners of Districts / District and Sessions Judges / Superintendents of Police of Districts within their charges (also now known with variable nomenclature as DCP / SSP in certain States)

41. DIG of Prisons / Officers of other Class-I Services and Provincial Services with 20 years standing

42. Majors / IAS and Foreign Service officers with 12 years service / SPs and DCPs with 15 to 20 years service

43. Asst Commissioners of Income Tax / Officers of Class-I and Provincial Services with 10 years standing

44. Divisional Engineers / Divisional Forest Officers / Executive Engineers / Superintendents of Central Jails

By Maj Navdeep Singh

VM said...

This warrant of precedence needs to be re-promulgated to all the civil authorities to ensure that the armed forces get their due.

Sanjeev Pandit said...

Suyash, the pertinent issues have been well brought out by you. The high handedness of the police functionaries at, various levels, is getting worst by the day. The IPS, is a SERVICE, which is meant to serve the citizens of the country by executing, well intentioned and effective, law and order functions. The IPS is officered by the 'creme d la creme' of the country. So why does the malaise persist ? The cause needs to be addressed, lest the citizenry loses total faith in the Khaki.

Col RC Ladda said...

I agree with your assessment. Here I have the following advice for the police force.
The recent incident involving the alleged assault on an Army officer and his fiancée by Odisha police is deeply concerning.

Police should conduct a thorough Investigation: Ensure transparent and impartial investigation into the incident. Hold accountable those found guilty of misconduct.

Implement regular training programs focusing on human rights, gender sensitivity, and professional conduct for all police personnel.

Strengthen accountability mechanisms: Establish robust internal mechanisms to monitor police behavior and swiftly address any complaints of misconduct.
Community Engagement: Foster better relationships with the community through outreach programs and open dialogues to build trust and cooperation.
Support for Victims: Provide necessary support and protection to the victims, ensuring their safety and well-being throughout the investigation process.
Taking these steps can help restore public trust and ensure that such incidents do not recur.

Anonymous said...

Suyesh well brought out in your style. If you matter then only you are respected. The halo days are past us. Need to take strong stand and press statements by hierarchy that this is unacceptable. If it happens then things can go bad if soldiers act in a manner as if they are in battle with khakis. It will be a sad day.

Sonia G Handa said...

Very well articulated article

Anonymous said...

All said and done, a thorough mindful churning is necessary! We already have enough on our hands, why add more? So, a proactive full-time body should issue guidelines, monitor implementation and institute checks and balances for our nation to progress inwards as well. Jai Hind

Anonymous said...

I would say fear is the key as far as deterrence is concerned . How that is inculcated in the erring personnel of the police and it’s brass is a debate …

Sofie said...

I am still left wondering about the shockingly uncalled for response of the Police to a couple which reposed faith in them. Fortunately for all of us this incident came to light, and was proactively tackled. What about those whose cases get suppressed or who do not have systemic backing?It is worth reflecting on what one can do to restore the taste of salt if salt itself loses its taste?