Saturday 27 July 2024

Differently Abled

 My heart goes out to poor Pooja, imagine the plight of this girl who braved artificially created or invented disabilities, ranging from vision to locomotor to even mental ones and then she had to suffer the ignominy of being clubbed with the backwards even. After having undergone such trials and tribulations this poor princess is being subjected to all kinds of trolling, and as if this wasn't enough now she is even being reverted back to the Academy for some chastising. 

Let us deliberate on each of her alleged misdemeanours, the first one being for ‘lack of vision’, that anomaly afflicts almost all, most of our babus have displayed this quality  in the 75 odd years of independent governance, so she is no exception and she should be given the benefit of doubt. I am quite sure once she rises in the hierarchy she will display this trait in ample abundance which will leave nobody in any doubt whatsoever. Locomotor disability was probably misunderstood by Ms Pooja as motor disability, as when she applied for the examination, she did not probably own the Audi then, so merely possessing an SUV obviously was a huge disability that too without the blue or red light perched on top to signify her eminence. This disability she was trying to overcome hence the efforts for having this ultimate symbol of power affixed on her Audi. Let us examine the mental issues now, this is quite obvious as with her shenanigans she has amply displayed temporary insanity, which is a clause which she will rely on to prove her innocence. After all an insane person is expected to do things out of the ordinary, and mind you geniuses are also borderline insane, as the famous quote by Nobel laureate Albert Einstein himself,"Only difference between genius and insanity is that a genius has his limits!" We have yet to ascertain her limits, so you never know she might just be a genius.

I am sure you recall that statement about ‘poverty being a state of mind’ by another genius, similarly backwardness is also a ‘state of mind’; i.e. it has nothing to do with belonging to the oppressed classes. As we all are aware, we have plenty of examples where generations have enjoyed the fruits of reservation, despite that they continue to languish in the state of backwardness as they haven't decided to progress into being a forward. Let me explain, in Football a Full Back remains a Full back, does he become a forward just because he ventures ahead once in a while. He retains his position and does not get convinced into changing it with that of a forward. Similarly a backward like poor little Pooja will retain this backwardness of mind irrespective of the best efforts by the state to con her.

There is another flimsy allegation against her about resorting to changing her names a couple of times, now that is actually victimising the lass, after all didn't the Bard himself state, "What's in a name, that which we call a rose by any other name will still smell as sweet!" So Khedkar Pooja Deeliprao will remain equally reverential as Pooja Manorama Dileep Khedkar. If you haven't got the reverential bit, well it is the literal meaning of Pooja, 'to offer prayers'. In fact we all should actually draw inspiration from her at this noble act of women empowerment, as she has inserted her mother's name with her name, like another celebrity film director Sanjay Leela Bhansali. 

 There are some other minor skeletons which have tumbled out like the divorce case of her parents being false. Once again instead of applauding this great couple at trying to salvage their marriage; despite having been divorced they are trying to put up a brave face and staying together for the sake of their precious pearl Pooja. Now who can possibly find fault with such genuine affection and no wonder they are seen together in election rallies too, even Dimple Khanna accompanied Rajesh Khanna when he canvassed for elections for New Delhi constituency in the nineties. Nobody pointed a finger at them. We can't be targeting these poor backward class parents. Her illustrious mother too was in the news for brandishing a gun; imagine she was only trying to protect her land, so just self defence and mind you she did not fire as she believed in just a show of force. 

So friends, tell me shouldn't we be honouring this girl rather performing her 'pooja' in place of harassing her. She is definitely differently abled, how differently is for you to figure out!


Sudhir said...


Sofie said...

Intersting satire. Lets sit back and watch how this unique case continues to unfold.

Anonymous said...

Reservation of any group is undesirable. Only merit should value. So long as loopholes exist, they would be exploited

Amit Tripathi said...

Well timed brother. It's good to see that you a punching hard and above the belt as well.
Wish that this blog is well read by larger section of educated society.
Keep Blogging.

Anup said...

Well written….perseverance from the lady , no doubt … hopefully this case will bring out ‘forgery’ as another accusation

Anonymous said...

Poor Pooja

Anonymous said...

Good one πŸ‘

Anonymous said...

Excellent Sir! Lage raho! Sarcasm at its best!!

Anonymous said...

As you sow so shall you reap. Till the time we dont know who we are and oft say " Pata Hain Mein Kaun Hoon" , the system will remain maimed. Parental Failure

Gururaj Pamidi said...

Yes, undoubtedly, she is a worthy role model, doting daughter of a rich father and a gun brandishing mother, she is destined for greatness! A real genius, she is a multi faceted personality with multiple “abilities “ . I concur with you, rather than criticise her, in today’s world, she should rightly be eulogised; that despite coming from a “broken “ home and such a humble background she has achieved so much already! Give the girl a break, give her some space, have faith, am sanguine that she will come up with forward looking ideas!

C SPrabhakat said...

Very well written Satire Suyash. Loved it. Must write more like these.

Surbhi said...

Smashing Sarcasm! Just one or two such cases come out in public… & btw…
Not everyone is lucky to be decorated in a Reserved Quota. πŸ˜‚

Anil F/70 said...

Suyash! U have an exemplary Satirical Take on Pooja's Case...

Skeletons tumbled out of the Closet as She became very Demanding for Flashy Privileges...What if She had maintained a Low Profile till getting well entrenched in the IAS Fraternity ..and then would have started redeeming the Reward Points of her Power and Position...then it would have been " Advantage Pooja"..

Anonymous said...

Great satirical piece on what afflicts our system. Idea of reservation was probably a dire necessity during the initial period of our independence. Political and personal exploitation over the decades has turned a good meaning concept to divisive Frankenstein.

Anonymous said...

Great satire!!! Good write of a wrong😁

Shiraz Varma said...

Poor little rich kid .... Love the sarcasm

Pawan Sang said...


Sulabh said...

Her only fault probably was in being conspicuous, should have learnt from her peers....


Very nicely elaborated...our systems are to be revamped is the bottom line Sir!

Anonymous said...

What a punch! Great satirical blog in your usual style. Humorously, you have hit the concept of reservations itself. Who dare will revamp our system....

Anonymous said...

Satirical Master piece.

S.K. Dwivedi said...

An intelligent person does different things but a super intelligent person does things differently as Ms Puja has done for herself. Capability of disability benefits!

Anonymous said...

Satire at it’s best.

Milan said...

Great Satirical take on the ongoing 'Pooja' saga. It's no surprise that our so called 'time tested' systems and institutions can be twisted by the entitled class so easily.

Rakesh Dahiya said...

Loved it. Humour and bite. Sadly, nothing comes out of these innumerable cases. Bureaucrats, irrespective of disciplinary issues, performance or lack thereof, all rise to at least the level of JS.

Anonymous said...

Nice take on the current situation in the country, where most people are really wanting to emulate Pooja! She is truly a heroine for many who may actually end copying her, wholly or partially - Arun

Anonymous said...

Good one..!!