Sunday 14 July 2024

Devil is in the Details

Monday morning 1000 hours the standard time for the Weekly Conferences and meetings in all HQs. I often wonder whether the conferences serve any purpose at all, on the contrary I think they are the bane of decision making. I am sure quite a few amongst us will wholeheartedly concur. If the boss finds it difficult to decide on a course of action and still wants to be seen as working diligently then the easiest way out is to call for a meeting. This malaise of meetings is a universal phenomena and cuts across all boundaries of corporate, bureaucracy, uniformed or academic fraternity. Deja vu! 

A surefire way of sending a proposal into an orbit is to call for a conference of all stakeholders. Firstly the boss has successfully avoided taking a decision, secondly he has put the complete team  in a spin, draft out an agenda, circulate it, although the agenda gets hijacked by the first speaker himself, if he is due for his report or appraisal not leaving the floor for the ones to follow. He has come prepared to put the attendees to death by power point. Microsoft Office has let this ghoul loose on this world which till then was happy with their Overhead Projector view-foils or slides. The beauty of these transparencies was that it required a draftsman to do them up for you, so there was a limit to the number of iterations it could be subjected to. But this means of torture called power point unleashed the devil in the commanders and bosses, where they could endlessly squabble over the scarlet, magenta, indigo.. pastel colours...their choice of colours would put any woman to shame. The animations and statistical charts available at the click of the mouse caught their fancy like that of a child with his new toy. As if this was not enough they would take a print out of these slides home and would not hesitate to call you in the middle of the night without as much as an apology for having woken you up, go on to explain the amendments which they wanted done by 0800 hours in the morning. Groggy and disoriented you were still trying to come to grips with what the boss's instructions when he disconnects, leaving you fully awake facing the nightmare of carrying out these corrections first thing in the morning.

Once the conferences commence there are many like me who switch off almost immediately and resort to testing my artistic skills by doodling with the sole purpose of keeping awake as it is, their sonorous dull monotone acts as a lullaby. Of course in between look at the speaker so as to appear to be really grasping every word and dutifully noting them down. At times I have even completed my blogs also in such long drawn affairs.

Agenda of most of the conferences in the Army is "danda", i.e. a good dressing down for anything and everything under the Sun. This danda is delivered within the first few minutes of the meeting, thereafter the participants are merely going through the motions. As if this wasn’t enough this Corona introduced another devil, the ubiquitous video conference, which has made life even more miserable for the employees. While the Armed Forces have always been a 24x7 round the clock job, for the first time even the Corporate guys were required to be available on call and that too on video. Naturally the frequency of conferences increased and misery multiplied manifold. The perils of video camera being on and the attendee not aware resulted in many a gaffes, some literally with their pants down.

I once attended an International Conference where I got to see the working of diplomacy at close quarters, language is a barrier but the way these diplomats play with words is to be seen to be believed. Every coma, full stop can convey a different meaning to the joint statement and hence the foreign office mandarins have to be masters of the language. While the conference itself was an update on the activities which was quite drab and dreary as nothing much had been achieved, but it had to be put in a way that appeared as though a lot had been accomplished. At the end of the day after squabbling over semantics for almost half a day, finally a joint communique was arrived at.  Devil was obviously in the details.

In complete contrast it’s a treat to see a unit in action, minimal orders, no time wasting conferences, just plain and simple action. If you want the work done, no conferences should be the mantra.

devil is in the details


Col Jitendra Singh said...

Very nicely penned down Suyash. I fully agree with yr views. Most of the conferences r wastage of time.

Anonymous said...

Great read brig Suyash... witty as always..

Anil F/70 said...

Well written Suyash! Some Other Dimensions of Conferences...back to back Conferences ( After Tiger's Conference is the Lamb's Conference for tasking )...

If the Tiger has to go for a Conference to the Higher HQ..then it is Conference before" The Conference"and Conference after " The Conference " like "Limca before Limca and Limca after Limca"


Are you leaving everyone with no work !!!!!

Shiraz Varma said...

Civvy street brings to the table, the powerful Excel sheet and it's pivot charts. Eventually it's the same banter of timelines, budget excesses, quality et al.

Asmita said...

Great read

Anonymous said...

Very well penned down with lots of satire & humour

Anonymous said...

There is another method to put things into orbit. Send out a letter asking for views and comments and relax for a week or two

Anonymous said...

So true...conference is sure shot way of wasting everyone's time.

Anonymous said...

Very true , unfortunately meetings and conference remain at fulcrum of any organisation & productivity of those also have been matter of debate within Organisations but possibly all Organisations work like that

Sofie said...

Hey Suyash... I would love to agree with you, but unfortunately, I don't. Griping about "Death by Process or Powerpoint", has become fashionable. But, we do need them don't we? In the hands of the skilled, and empathic they can work wonders. Why throw out the baby along with the bath-water. But, all said, your article, is as always, brilliant in rendition! Cheers!!

C SPrabhakat said...


Anonymous said...

Conference are worthwhile if all are allowed to put across their points ,and the most influential,prominent person hears them all & is last to Speak. Unfortunately sycophancy drowns it all

Anonymous said...

And i agree that most times it is to look all busy and important….dr Shubha Tripathi

Anonymous said...

Very nicely expressed Sir… must say…Powerpoint is yet to drive home a point…

Anonymous said...

Dear Suyash,
Very lucidly expressed in ur own imitable style....I am in total agreement to your last comment...the metric of efficiency of an organisation is minimal instructions, discussions and max participation in execution and delegation.

Abhay Bhat said...

Earlier comment was mine

Rohit Mehrotra said...

Suyash, Brilliant as always. Nice take -on the holding of conferences to avoid decision making coupled with linkages drawn from Fauj, Corporates, diplomacy et al.
Keep churning. I always wait for your next Blog.

Sonia G Handa said...


Sang said...

Well, I often called for quick conferences as a Coy Cdr. We would all sit on haunches and use sticks or stones to draw and scribble on the ground. We got the senior JCOs resounding approval in less than 3 min, after which all were on the same page and action started

Vasandani said...

Very well penned down Suyash.

Sanjeev Pandit said...

Interesting Suyash ! Evoked fond nostalgic memories of the past !