Thursday 9 May 2024

Wardrobe Woes

 Wardrobe malfunction, the term arouses interest and voyeurs immediately start scouting for the graphic details. Well well, it is just a piece of cloth and not the complete wardrobe by any account, then why this term? A distant cousin of the celebrity term wardrobe malfunction is the "wardrobe dilemma". You must be wondering as to how come this sudden interest in wardrobes and their functions. Actually it was one of those evenings when we were getting dressed for a party and typically the mistress of the house was aghast that she did not have one piece of clothing which fitted the bill. I normally steer clear and stay out of harm's way on such occasions but then sometimes one's brain decides to play the fool and then we land up in a mess of our own creation. So I piped in, you have hundreds of saris, scores of dresses and suits and still the wardrobe plays truant with you. May be you are spoilt for choice, we men folk just pick up whatever, with no qualms about matching colours or combinations and walk out in a jiffy. An overflowing wardrobe and still the appropriate dress for the occasion is nowhere to be found. Reminds me of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "Rime of Ancient Mariner", "Water water everywhere not a drop to drink!" While I was getting into a literary mood, the better half wanted to get physical, the Newton's Third Law kicked in immediately and the rebuttal which followed was something like this, "You have spent all your life in uniform, when you didn't have to make any choices, you were ordered to put on a particular dress and you followed it in letter and spirit. So much so that for even social occasions there is a diktat in terms of the attire so what do you know about the "wardrobe dilemmas". It is not just the dress, the matching accessories and the fact that the item should not have been worn in this station, else it will be construed that the lady has a very limited choice and is forced to repeat her dresses. Now that suggestion itself is calamitous, so we have no choice but to be extra cautious and then the poverty is attributable to you directly as you haven't provided me with even these bare necessities of life. So to keep your honour in tact we have to choose wisely."

I was chastised and wiser, should have kept my mouth shut, forgetting  that 'wisdom is better part of the valour'. Having beaten a hasty retreat, I thought this wardrobe malfunction needs to be researched a little, no not the episodes which are dime a dozen and more often than not these are typically publicity stunts. I was keen to study the coinage of the term and how come it was adopted when it is just a piece of stitched cloth which has failed in its duty to cover a vital part of the human anatomy. It was 2004 and during Grammy awards it was Justin Timberlake who subjected Janet Jackson to this ignominy. Not that the performance was effected, just that the viewership went up couple of notches. But mind you this was not the first occasion when the slip slid away, this was the first time that the term was used and adopted thereafter by the media. It seemed more fashionable than a mere 'tear in the dress' or as I said earlier 'slip sliding away'. 

Our Wardrobe woes are of a different kind, brasso and polish, medals and ribands, ceremonial attires so on and so forth thankfully there is no scope for dilemmas or  malfunctions.


Anonymous said...

AKT...Nice. No scope of/for Dill-ema n Mall-fn

Cool4u said...

Lovely as usual Dear

Rakesh Dahiya said...

Waise, I too face this dilemma. Sooo many clothes in the wardrobe and yet, none to wear!

Anonymous said...

Well written. Courageous of you to comment on the dresses of the better halves.Lucky we don't have to bother about it.

Kpm said...

Great read
Today show organisers have wardrobe malfunctions part of the offer. Calibrated, timed and executed.

Anonymous said...

Suyash you have touched the most touchy topic of wardrobe dilemma...actually people in your profession are so comfortable in wearing the same things again and again whether in the office or elsewhere that you don't understand the turmoil we go through during the selection process....but that is the fun part...

C Mani said...

Wardrobe malfunction was transformed to wardrobe multifunction during Patti parades at NDA. Gave us this great ability to dress up at lightening speed!

Anonymous said...

After retirement, it becomes more easy but the wardrobe dilemma of ladies increases by leaps and bounds because the station never changes...,
Always a pleasure to read your humorous take !

Anonymous said...

Brilliant as always Suyash!
Wardrobe malfunctions of a different kind come to mind from our NDA days especially “reverse outdoors” when we missed anklets or drill belt or garter flashes or collar dogs! Also in pack contents during restrictions 😢 Not to forget “Academy Pillars” the safety pins that held us up often!
Very severe consequences for them!
Deepak Adhar

Sudhir said...


Sanjeev Pandit said...

A wonderful write up Suyash ! In the fashion circuit, wardrobe malfunctions of pretty lasses are often created with an intent to jack up the TRPs ! And they also become a pleasure for the gung hos, who regardless of their age 'enjoy' it 🫣🤪 !!!

Patanjali said...

Beautifully articulated, Suyash!

VM said...

Each man's dilemma, whether to ever even comment on his better half's endless wardrobe .... Suicidal indeed!!

Anonymous said...

A classy touch given to an highly sensitive issue

Anonymous said...

Suyesh, tornado like this occur in almost every home. The question I was asked is "all those who came in reception on 02 Dec, how many of those are invited on 08th Dec and then on 26th Dec". It's all about "No repetition of dresses by eves. We are so blessed, the topmost shirt in stack, the easiest tie to pull out and we are ready.

Awadhesh Kalia said...

This is that famous term whose coinage was during our time and well advertised. An ignominy of voyeurism made glamorous.

V Pramod Kumar said...

Well written. Great read 👍.

Vipul Segan said...

Enjoyed reading

Sofie said...

ABSOLUTELY! I guess I echo Rakesh when I see so many clothes in the wardrobe, and yet none suitable to wear!

Anil F/70 said...

Suyash!!! Very Succinctly brought out with subtle humour...certain Wardrobe malfunction Flashbacks from Academy... PT Period...when Academy pillars came off during Toe touch in Beam or Through vault in Horse... Inter- Battalion Entertainment Programme ( Skit)... after a 10 m/ 7 m jump Swimmer & Swimming Trunks surfacing whilst maintaining " Social Distancing"..