Friday 8 March 2024

Sordid saga of the stomach

A cow has four stomachs, I am not sure how many of you actually know this fact. I am a hard core Maths stream variety since school days, so much so that we were taught Biology by our Physics teacher who had to stand in as our school did not have anyone to teach us the finer aspects of life sciences. But even I remember this fact, may be because this figured as one of the questions in our NDA entrance exam way back in Dec 82. I found this very intriguing and no wonder this has remained in the memory bank somewhere, which otherwise is overflowing and the erase function is carried out randomly but the recent events generally get obliterated almost immediately.  

You must be wondering as to how come this holy cow is figuring in this nonsensical column, after all bovine population is sacred so this may be tantamount to sacrilege. Be rest assured I have no such intentions. The four stomachs thought struck me as I was ambling across a royal wedding lunch spread which comprised all possible vegetarian dishes from Oriental to Continental with all types of Indian cuisine thrown in ranging from Bengali sweets to South Indian Dosa Idli, Rajasthani Ker-sangri, Punjabi Makka ki roti Sarson ka sag and Chaats of all kinds. How I wish we were endowed with multiple stomachs where we could fill each one with  different types of delicacies without any fear of upset tummies and buffer overflow resulting in corrupting the digestive system itself. Then at leisure we could chew these honeyed cud relishing each one to our heart's content. But alas, that is not so, invariably we end up overstuffing ourselves as it is the taste buds which usurp the decision making sending our grey cells packing till we are full to the brim.  

These days such lavish spreads are quite common during the wedding season and one wonders whether the dishes are also in some sort of competitive spirit in terms of quantity ie numbers and their aficionados. There are hard core fans who stick to the their palate and there are some who are the adventurous kinds  who are keen to try out the exotic dishes. It is the adventurous ones who freak out with such spreads with nothing to lose, taste and discard if not palatable. Incidentally gluttony is supposed to be a sin in Abrahmnic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam but we the Orientals have no such qualms, on the contrary a pot belly was always considered a sign of prosperity. Although zero was invented by Aryabhatta an Indian but this size zero syndrome is a purely western construct, I wonder what would be the effect of such a gastronomical splendour on the anorexic girls that we come across. 

This profligacy takes its toll and typically for the satisfaction of the taste buds it is the belly which ends up suffering the consequences. The stomach naturally doesn't have the stomach to digest this torture which is inflicted on it. It can't grin and bear it, per force it surrenders. Let me conclude with the prayer O God either grant these ignorant specimen of our species stomachs as per their desire or give them wisdom to know the limits of their only treasure trove.


Sudhir said...


Anonymous said...

Great read

Rakesh Dahiya said...

Oh yes. Just attended a wedding. Non stop khana and peena. Was feeling truly and totally stuffed. And yet, one keeps eating!

Karthik Iyer said...

Nine course meals.......Six pack abs converted to mono-abdomenous!
You truly have brought the guts and the brains out in this highly digestive read! Burp!
Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Eat to live should override live to eat, generally.

Anonymous said...

One more fantastic read in the morning! Truly amazing

Anonymous said...

Thoroughly enjoyed reading.. Sir, very close to my heart.

V Pramod Kumar said...

Enjoyed reading....👍

GladiatorAdi said...

These days the a lavish spread is order of the day in most of the weddings! You are really spoilt for choices!
You can fill up your stomach just by tasting everything!!!

Narinder Bahl said...

Good read. Enjoyed..

Anonymous said...

Always a different take… Sir

Rohit Mehrotra said...

Aptly described - the brunt which our poor stomach has to take.
Very well written, as always. Keep churning.

Anonymous said...

Good read Sir …

Anonymous said...

Gastronomic juices..and your humorous take on so much khana peena is ..better than what taste buds get in those weddings.

Anonymous said...

Great write up as always.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this Suyash Sharma, Sparrow Nowgaon/Radha/TMG/Atma/3Pimple ? Hi, then ! Connect @ GKRao XVII PUNJAB 9849694212 ! Tnx 🫡👍

Shiraz Varma said...

You've summed up the current stomach status. God save us from these indelicate delicacies

C A Joseph said...

Really wonderful and nice
By the way, what is the name of That Physics Teacher who had the courage to teach you Biology while you were in School ?

Sonia G Handa said...

Epicurean Treat

Sonia G Handa said...

Well written

H K Khandelwal said...

I remember having attended such a function where there were more than 100 dishes , but no guest went home happy . Everyone had the feeling that although they had tasted a lot of those dishes, they all missed on at least some of them and this caused unhappiness in their minds. But the society is also to blame for this trend . Oneupmanship , showing off etc . When for my son’s reception after his marriage, I organised a very simple buffet dinner ( no pani poori etc ) with just 8 dishes , I was branded miser but then everyone did get to taste all the items, which gave me great satisfaction.

Sofie said...

They also serve who digest & wait!

Vipul Segan said...

Need four stomachs during youth
Later on as age catches up, we need to be careful as to what we chew