Saturday, 16 December 2023


"God made mothers because He couldn't be everywhere", so said John Rudyard Kipling; in Sanskrit, "Janani janmabhoomi Swargadapi Gariyasi" meaning mother and motherland are greater than even Heaven itself, I am sure all of us express similar sentiments when it comes to their mothers. "Ma" is a universal word, syllable and a complete sentence in itself because merely calling out and the manner of calling out she understands the needs of her children irrespective of species, whether it's a cow or a human. "Ma" is one of the primal sounds, even the word "Om" comprises two parts, "Ohh + Ma", no wonder our world revolves around our mothers. Her mere presence is so soothing and comforting almost as though we have got back into her womb, safely ensconced where none can touch us and she will protect us. As kids whenever we got into any situation where we felt threatened, we just leapt into her lap where she covered us with her Sari aanchal and then we knew we were safe. As the song goes, " Meri duniya hai Ma tere aanchal mein.."!

My mother was special, she was pretty as can be, so gentle, soft spoken, loving, caring, graceful and dignified but she was more than just these, she was a very courageous and brave person, who would not shed a tear when in pain herself but would not be able to hold them back if it was one of the kids who suffered even a scratch. Well read, she was a post graduate in Hindi and sacrificed her career for the sake of her kids, as she was a Lecturer in a College in Indore, then she took up whole-time motherhood. Mothers can so easily let go their own aspirations because they always put everyone else before themselves. 

Born on the auspicious day of Sharad Poornima, (full moon day of Sharad Ritu in Indian calendar) she was aptly named  Sharad Bala, in a family where she was the third amongst five sisters, my grandfather was in the judiciary and raised her to be a simple, independent, confident, modern girl who was equally grounded and a woman of staunch principles. People who met her came back very impressed with her quiet dignity and grace, which left a lasting indelible impression on them. All mothers are great cooks, but mine was special as she could conjure exotic dishes out of the most basic ingredients and remained a lifelong student in the kitchen, always on the lookout to hone her culinary skills. My Signals  course mates still recall the treat 44 of them enjoyed on their way back from Mandu Cycle trip. Yes she could feed 44 young brats, who were a pack of hungry wolves having cycled 30 odd kms before reaching Dhar, single handedly without any help whatsoever. She loved reading and would leave the librarians gasping with her phenomenal speed. Wherever I went, the librarians had a field day as these days hardly anyone reads books so they were overjoyed at their subscriptions multiplying manifold. 

When we were growing up she was a friend you could confide in, seek refuge in her lap when there were any threats as she was there to protect us from the world and a teacher who inculcated the right value system in us kids.  She was tough when we erred, no not getting physical, just that she was angry worked as a punishment for me and I would dare not repeat any misdemeanour. When I was headed to RIMC Dehradun as an 11 year old, my complete clan was at the Railway Station to bid me farewell and all the ladies were in tears but not her, not in my presence,  as she did not want my resolve to be weakened, but later shed copious ones the moment the train chugged out of the station. 

She was blessed with green fingers, plants loved her gentle touch and would bloom in her presence. She could tend to our family cow despite having been a city dweller with no exposure to such activities, never considering anything to be below her dignity. She could cycle down, indulge in skipping with kids and if needed climb trees to grab a guava straight from the tree. A lifelong lesson for all of us, we could rough it out when things got tough. A pure vegetarian she would not hesitate in cooking up egg dishes for us when we were growing up, but refrained from  getting the hard core stuff in the kitchen. Her gulab jamuns were worth dying for, her pickles and chutneys were unparalleled, she could serve us dollops of lip smacking ice cream and also  traditional Dal-Bafla Laddoo with  her special touch. Nutrition was always healthy with sprouts, nuts and seasonal fruits always in abundance. Having been married to a Professor, she knew the importance of quality education and encouraged us to strive for excellence. My father was suffering from ill health for a while, but she was rock solid in her support and care, which kept him in good stead, theirs was an association of six decades plus.

We never heard her complain about anything, she bore it all in her own understated manner so much so that even the dreaded Cancer could not make her flinch.  An optimist always, she was looking forward to waging this battle also successfully as she had with her cardiac, hypertension, sciatica issues, emerging stronger with each encounter. But alas as things seemed to be going as per her wishes, it made a comeback with such vengeance that she finally succumbed despite the brave fight that she put up. She knew the end was near and was crystal clear in her instructions about the rituals to be followed and the actions to be taken on her demise. She lived for her kids and grandkids, who also doted on her, my brother and sister had set up their camp here itself to be with her in her last days. The clan descended here for Diwali as the end seemed to be near, a most memorable Diwali was celebrated this year. Finally she breathed her last only when her grand kids turned up, literally waiting for two days when she was unconscious and quietly passed away with her grand daughter holding her pulse. This is a loss which can never be filled and the void will remain forever, the only solace is she will remain with us always in our memories, her eyes imploring us through her photo to remain true to our cause, be humane in our approach and above all be loving and caring. 


Anonymous said...

My salute 🫡 to your beloved Mother. May the Almighty bless the Departed Soul find a better place in the heavens. Very nicely written and felling proud of you 👏. Regards VZ.

Anonymous said...

Never come across a more touching tribute. I guess when one writes from the heart, words just flow seamlessly…. Rakesh

Anonymous said...

Very moving

Sudhir said...

Om Shanti. Our condolences and Shradhanjali. 🙏🙏

Anonymous said...

A beautiful tribute to rightly said...the word conjures up beautiful memories. Our heartfelt condolences.

Surbhi said...

The remembrance is very touching. Salute to her to have raised such a strong family. 🙏🏻

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences 🙏

Anonymous said...

Very touching Suyash. Be brave to bear the loss, as your mother. She must be happy having such a childern/ grand children.
Straight from heart.

Anonymous said...

So beautifully expressed bhaisab.
माँ was indeed extremely brave , no expectations from anyone, non demanding, non complaining , always positive, and in total surrender to God's will, accepting her own illness with such grace and dignity like she lived her whole life . Suffering from such a dreadful disease in excruciating pain due to metastatic spred but did not live in denial. No attention seeking and no self pity whatsoever. What a courageous lady. I wish even if I can inculcate 1% of her strong character I will count myself worthy of calling myself her daughter Richa.

Anonymous said...

You were really fortunate to have such a caring and loving mother. May her soul rest in Eternal Peace. My prayers for her and heartfelt condolences to you and the rest of the family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Suyash, A beautiful tribute, I think all Ma's are same caring, loving and sacrificing for the sake of their beloved Ones.Very aptly described.A big Salute to Auntie.Om Sadgati. Regards Negi.

Sarabjeet said...

A mother's love is a blessing. May her noble soul rest peacefully. 🙏🙏

Anonymous said...

You put it so aptly Suyash,just word "mother" need no explanation.They are all same irrespect of cast, religion or time

Col Tyagvir Raghava said...

Suyash what a touching remembrance of mother...we can't forget those moments of cycling to mandu with stopover at your place..May God Rest Her in peace & she will always remain a guiding light for you..

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences sir🙏🏻

Anonymous said...

Dear Suyash Sir, Awesome tribute to Maa….. Radhe Krishna…. You are an excellent Person…. Deg Teg Fateh , Ich Dien & Jai Hind

Danny said...

That's a very moving tribute, Suyash. To a mother, haven't we always been 'children' no matter our age? Losing a mother is painful: each 'child' feels the pain that exceeds the sum of all pains (???). May she live on as pleasant memories and everlasting gratitude.

Anonymous said...


Sanjeev Pandit said...

Suyash, a wonderful tribute to your respected mother. An intelligent, brave and a caring lady who weathered many storms for the family like the Rock of Gibraltar. Her maintaining a dignified composure during the moment of your departure for RIMC was so wise and praiseworthy. She must have witheld so many bottled up emotions at the railway station to ensure that you had a stress free journey. Our mothers have a permanent residence in the deepest core of our hearts, always and everytime. You have a striking resemblance to her. God bless !

Anonymous said...

Heartfelt condolences Sir to you and your family. Great expression of love, respect and gratitude.

Anonymous said...

As truly said by Suyash bhaiyya as I have known since I met his sister Richa thru another friend. Auntie will always have a special place in my heart not only for her cooking but for he selfless love for all. She hosted my batchmates from MGM in 2019 when my own mother was ill and in ICU. Her generosity and smile are unparalleled. 🙏

Anonymous said...

माँ बच्चों को तैयार करती है जीवन के उतर चढ़ाव को अपने कदमों में नापने के लिए। अपने अंतिम समय में भी माँ तैयार करती है कि बच्चे उसकी कमी को बर्दाश्त कर सकें तभी वो एक झटके में अलविदा नहीं कहती है। उनसे हमारी आख़िरी भेंट अभिजात की शादी में हुई थी और हमारे लिए आजीवन उनकी याद एक मुस्कुराते हुए चेहरे और आशीर्वाद में उठे हुए हाथ के तौर पर ही रहेगी। सतीश

Anonymous said...

A very moving tribute to your wonderful mother, Suyash. She sounds everybit as you describe her. Very caring, tough, loving and binding the family together. I'm sure, Parmatma has her in a good place now from where she will continue to watch over you all.
Sandy Malik

Samir Dhaga said...

So very sorry to learn of this. And what an apt and a beautiful tribute to a wonderful soul that she was. May she find eternal peace .

Ananya said...

So beautifully expressed, papa.
Dadi was an epitome of dignity I will always strive to be like. She was so strong, so brave and so beautiful. Always a friend to all of us with unconditional and unlimited love.
She was a feminist, in its purest sense. She made us proud to have a say, have an opinion. She never, ever cared about anything superficial, but cared about values and self respect.
Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted to be like her. I know she is with me, watching me. I will make sure she is proud of me, inculcate everything I have learned from her, a complete woman. I am grateful and blessed to have been loved by and brought up in the presence of such an amazing woman.

chhotu said...

To Mothers....May they continue to be themselves and bless us from wherever they are.

Sanjay said...

Touching and you brought back memories of what I am missing since last two years......there couldn't have been a better tribute written by any son to his mother...I can feel the loss you must be feeling, but I am glad that you have been able to pen down the blessings which you have had as you grew up under her....this will always keep you connected....pray to the almighty for her soul to rest in peace....Om Shanti

Ashutosh Tewari said...


Sunil V Damle said...

A touching article & lovely tribute

Anonymous said...

Touching ...what a lovely tribute to a loving Mother....RIP Ma 🙏

Kpm said...

A moving tribute to a towering personality. Much of what we see in the deeply value-ingrained person that you are Suyash is surely a work of your mother. May she find peace at the abode the Onee Above even as you all come to terns with the loss!!

Yash said...

Very sorry to hear an irreparable loss Suyash. I know this is a difficult time, but my thoughts are with you and your family as you grieve. Om Shanti…

Tipsy Wadhawa said...

Mothers are indeed precious and their loss always hard hitting. One can sense the pride, love and pain in the moving tribute. Though I didn’t have the fortune of haing met her I can see how great an influence she must have had in carving humaneness in her offsprings. Rest in peace Mother

Anonymous said...

Such a touching tribute for a wonderful person.Mothers are special and she tops the list. She will remain with the family as an Angel from above blessing her loved ones. An amazing tribute indeed Suyash.


Anonymous said...

Suyash sir..beautiful articulation of the sentiments..sad for your terrible loss.

Anonymous said...

Heartfelt condolences 🙏

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. Very touching.
A befitting tribute
Please accept my sincere condolences. Tushar Bhakay

Anonymous said...

Our tributes to Respected Aunitji🙏

Mahendra Jogdand said...

Beautiful well written

Patanjali said...

With you in your loss, Suyash!
I am sure mom would watching you from the heavens proudly and would be expecting you to show the strength she did when you moved -without a tear in the eye.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful ode to a mother . Om Shanti Om.

Anonymous said...

Suyash, exceptional tribute...May God bless the departed soul

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Suyash

Anonymous said...

Well articulated, mothers are special

Ujjal Dasgupta said...

Straight from the heart! You enunciated the sentiments of everyone towards their mothers so beautifully. Your mother's reward would have been to see that she had brought up a wonderful human being such as you.
Thank you.

Anil/ F/ 70 said...

Suyash! A Very Touching tribute from the Core of the Heart...Cherish the Moments spent with Your Mom for nearly Six Decades..I am sure her Blessings and love for You and Your extended Family are eternal beyond Time and Space.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully penned

Atul said...

Yes Suyash, mothers are special and I still remember the feast at Dhar and when we attended your marriage, the grace, dignity and love she showered on us just like her own children. We pray to God to give her eternal peace and strength to you all to bear this loss.

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace...You will continue to keep her alive with the memories that she made many for the wonderful mother she had been to you all....

jeetu said...

Very well articulated. You have a gift to bring out your mother’s talents and character in such a subtle way! Indeed she was a smart, talented, selfless and a strong lady!

Sofie said...

Our salutations and saadar pranaam to the spirit of a great lady who touched our lives. True, we got to know her through Suyash during our YO course, but her impact and impression contd through, all my service. We spent time with you Aunty as a family, on innumerable occasions, warmed by your magnanimity, rooted in gentle pragmatism. We reflect & remember our sojourn in Tamil Nadu, the holiday we spent with you, Uncle, Suyash, Preeti, Abhi and Anu while at Wellington.
The ideals you upheld Aunty,will always be something I look upto. Wish you well, on your onward journey. May you continue to inspire generations! Pranaam!!

Anonymous said...

Suyash, I feel you have written on behalf of all the sons who have lost their mothers and who feel Ma’s being not there every moment and every second and every step of their lives. Mother might leave the world but their motherhood, their love and their blessings are immortal.

Anonymous said...

Col Gopal Verma 👆

Shiraz Varma said...

Despite you write so we'll, only this time is say that no amount of words suffice for what your mother would've been for you all. Bit hazy, but I may have met her at the institute on Saturday during my Computer Course at MHOW- it's been decades so can't recall more. With you brother in your grief for her.

M K Choudhary said...

Suyash, so nicely you have shared your emotions. Ultimate expression of a son’s love for an adorable mother. Love you and with you Bhai 🙏

Abhijat said...

Very beautiful tribute, Papa!
Our lives and all our achievements have been and always will be a testament to the values of courage and persistence that have been inspired by dear Dadi.
I know Dadi shall always be watching over us as we strive to make her proud.

Anonymous said...

Our obituary and respect to the most wonderful lady in your life ... you have so beautifully summarized her charismatic personality.
Multifaceted, multitalented.... multitasker ... so many special roles she has dawned ...
Our prayers, respect and Reverence to the soul as she rests in peace. Deep condolences to the family to bear this irreparable loss.

Anonymous said...


Col Romesh Kaul said...

A wonderful tribute to your mother. Well said Sir Rudyard Kipling. OM, OM, OM

Anonymous said...

I suppose no words are enough to describe this wonderful person. Sir you have done justice to the word Ma. Enjoyed reading 🙏

Anonymous said...

A moving write up is a tribute to all mothers . Your mother too was special and your write up has done her full justice . Somewhere she must be shedding a joyful tear in acknowledgement…..

May her kind soul rest in everlasting peace ….

Dheeraj Chandola said...

Suyash we are are blessed as our mothers continue to shower their blessings from the heavens.

Your eloquent words come straight from your heart and have touched a chord

Sonia G Handa said...

A perfect visual portrayal of a mother.

Mike James said...

A really touching tribute that will forever breathe life into the persona of your mom. Take care buddy.

Brig vinod Tandon said...

Ma is ultimate. No body in this universe can replace her love

ANINDYA said...

Dear Suyash,
What a remarkable tribute for Aunty.. May her noble soul rest in peace.. we were really fortunate that she was there amonst us and blessed us all

Sudhakar said...

Simply awesome Suyesh....RIP your loving Ma 🙏🙏

Anonymous said...

Suyash - amazing tribute to your mother. May she remain in peace

Karthik Iyer said...

Your Thoughts and Words will surely sooth her Devine and heavenly Spirit.
Condolences and Regards.

Col (Dr) Rajesh Kumar said...

"Maa" is a word of silent soul yet remain an energy to live with.
भाव भीनी श्रद्धांजलि ॐ

Anonymous said...

Very befitting tribute in extremely touching but inspiring words. May her noble soul rest in peace. Om Shanti 🙏

Cool4u said...

Beautiful tribute Suyash.
I remember her hospitality at Dhar(with the entire YOs lot) and then on a few occasions at Indore too.
Once again, extremely sorry for your loss. May she find eternal peace...


Anonymous said...

An apt tribute…with you in this moment of grief. She would have been so proud of the successes of her children and grandchildren…Pray for strength to all of you…Om Shanti🙏🏼💐

Anonymous said...

Om Shanti ..🙏🙏🙏 Shradhanjali… May almighty give family the strength to bear the loss…

Anonymous said...

I so loved it Suyash. I consider my self blessed to have met her and also had opportunity to experience her hospitality, humbleness and loving nature. And in you pouring your heart out here tells me how much you loved her. My prayers are there to the Almighty for granting peace to the loving soul.

Anonymous said...

Oh Looks like I posted above anonymously. This is Rajeev Dobhal

Anonymous said...

Wonderful illustration of mother and motherhood.Hats off to your mother who given such value system and love .
Very beautifully written

S B Singh said...

Such a touching tribute, simply great.🙏🙏🙏

Vipul Segan said...

Very touching
Our salute to all mothers

huhuhuhuhuh said...

Dear Suyash Bhaiya, very beautifully penned down thoughts, literally brought tears in my eyes...Aunty was indeed an epitome of immense love, gentleness and care...We will miss her immensely...

Anonymous said...

Touched. No words are enough to describe our mothers. Brigadier Suyash, we are with you and your family. Your Mother is still with you and she has heard your call. Namaste Ma ji. To all heroic and valiant mothers who are ever-tireless and most loyal of all the living-beings. Jai Hind
- Rao family

Ranjeet said...

Dear Suyash.
Losing your mother is heartrending to say the least. And I don’t think it can ever be fully resolved.

You’ve expressed your feelings so well and your mother comes alive in your writing. Wish you and your siblings, and the rest of the clan the strength to bear the loss.

Vasandani said...

Yes Suyash, I remember the day we landed up at your place at Dhar(the famous cycling expedition to Mandu).
You’ve expressed your feelings so well.
Our prayers to the Almighty for granting peace to the loving soul.