Wednesday 20 September 2023

Achilles Tendon

 Not again! Here we are, in the Military Hospital at Mhow, with my Achilles tendon probably torn and in pain trying to be brave about the injury, after all we are from the "mard ko dard nahi hota" generation.  The last about an year and a half we have been doing the rounds of hospitals in both Delhi and Indore as someone or the other was constantly gravely sick and needed attending to, please refer my blog for more details .( ) Just as we started to think that we were now on the other side of the hill, I succumbed to the temptation yet again trying to believe that lie which some blessed oldies like to boast about ,"age is just a number", the body of course knows better and delivers a royal kick  from time to time, this time it was the turn of the poor tendon to bring me back to mother earth. Well you can't find fault with me there are some friends who have drunken from the elixir of youth and have successfully conned ageing, they are running marathons, ultra marathons, participating in national sports events for veterans and showing off their prowess on our course groups all nearing the sixties. Green with envy we try and play catch up and land up in such a mess. The sheer ecstasy of the sweat on your brow trickling down on the face has to be experienced and once the saline drops touch your lips then you can't live without it, you are hooked for life.

Folks at home have given up on us long back, we are the incorrigible ones, getting injured or the threat of the injury can't hold us back. But I think I have the singular privilege of having been bestowed with a magnetic personality, the magnet which attracts injuries and not people, have broken so many bones and torn ligaments on the sports fields and courts that I can bid for a place in the Limca book of records. The gory details of my encounters with medical fraternity have been elaborated in  detail in From the football ground to tennis court, basket ball to hockey field have made it a point to sentence me with eternal penance, this time it was the turn of Squash court to squash my tendon without any remorse. I think the blame lies with the sport itself, 45 years ago when the only squash I had heard of was Kissan Orange Squash I landed up in RIMC and took a liking to it, as it rhymed with my name and a racket game to boot which could be played round the year, round the clock. A sport not very popular in India, but in the Services it was a favourite with the officers precisely for the reasons I just mentioned earlier. We Rimcollians of course take pride in the act that we can boast of Raj Manchanda and Ritwik Bhattacharya, two well known names in this sport, almost all of us indulge in it and are considered reasonably good at it.

Any way getting back to this tendon business, I am sure most of the readers would have heard of Chinese Whispers, so guess what, tendon became tentacles and from there it was testicles and suddenly the pain multiplied as even a mere thought of injury in the gonads can send shivers down any loins. But this tendon has a Greek mythological connect, as Achilles was the handsomest and bravest warrior of Agamemnon and guess what, like Krishna his weak spot was  also his heel, and it was her mother who held him by his heel and dipped him in the waters of River Styx, the rest of the body was like steel but the heel was untouched, reminds you of Duryodhan and how Gandhari empowered his body with her gaze except his loins which was covered. The tendon is thus appropriately named, it bears the load of complete body, but if it snaps one instantly turns lame. 

Thanks to modern medical science, we can now repair this tear, as my doctor tells me, so there is hope, just that the light is at the end of the tunnel, which is about three to six months long. So here is hoping I can get back to at least Golf soon, as Squash  racket may have to be given a ceremonial burial now or just handed down to the next generation, time to pass on the racket, but the quest for the sweat on the brow will remain, this thirst can only be quenched with that elixir. So folks please pray for me as my salvation lies in this magic potion.


Sanjeev Pandit said...

Ha ha ! Get well soon and may the pull of the magnets change to the better !

Anonymous said...

Just too good Suyash. I’m tempted to post one of my own on this topic. Rakesh Dahiya

Anonymous said...

And oh yes, praying. Rakesh Dahiya

Anonymous said...

Ull b up n about shortly
God speed Suyash

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Suyash get well soon brother.
You are the one and only to have the strength to write despite the pain and challenges.
Cause God does not make your types so often You are his best .

Sanjay said...

The fact that you are contemplating a change is indicative that finally you may be in the path of sanity......get well soon....we have been lucky to have muddled around for do long

Nishant Kumar said...

Very well written Sir.
Having been a patient of patella tendonitis myself, I can very well relate with the kind of 'No Movement' one observes till one can get back to the field/court.
Praying for your speedy recovery Sir.

Anonymous said...

Suyash, I never saw you with any injuries in Ranchi , mebe coz there you were playing Golf. Time to switch back to Golf again, for injury free life 😀😀.
Get well soon 🙏

Anonymous said...

Super..your blog conveys the story of many of us. Listen to the body but who does...!. Get well soon.
I gave up sports after suffering severe low back ache. The neuro surgeon had to warn me to stay away from any kind of sport. So hsd no choice..One is left to do walk n has to live on!

Glad Gladiator said...

Amazing as always, Suyash! Hope you get back on the Golf Course Soon!😇

Anonymous said...

Nice 👍 however the squash part reminded me of the 9-2, 9-2 which n you had over me at IMA and I also got a gash on my eye brow from your swishing racket.

Deepak Makhija said...

Age catches must we....get well soon

Anonymous said...

Take it easy buddy . Sixties and close are dangerous . Especially for a few who are more outdoors inclined .
Get well soon and keep up the wonderful writing …

Sofie said...

Pained to see you in pain. Get well soon Suyash!

Shery said...

Get well soon Suyash. .A nice read as always....

Anonymous said...

I too am a sucker for seeking eternal youth and currently am undergoing physiotherapy at the MH for a dodgy back! Happens to the best of us!!!

Sonia G Handa said...

Well written
It is commendable that you have written it in pain
Best wishes for your speedy recovery

Sudhir said...


Sachvir said...

Sir, Proud to know a Josh box and an eternal optimist like you. Wish you recovery@ speed of light.Tc sir.

Anonymous said...

I am sure you will be back on your heel (sic) soon and retaste the elixir

Anonymous said...

Recover soon

S.K. Dwivedi said...

As a brave Rimcollian you will be in Squash court,I pray.

C A Joseph. said...

Suyash, Get well soon. Sure you will have a speedy recovery and get back on to the Squash Court. Brings back nostalgic memories of RIMC playing Squash with late Mr RC Sharma and Dr Jagat Singh etc. etc.

Rohit Mehrotra said...

Excellent writing - as always. Unstoppable, both on and off the field. All The Best for your surgery. Get well soon.

M K Choudhary said...

Suyash, admire your spirit to follow your interest even when you aren’t well.
Wishing you get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Suyash, tell me how many times you have broken your promise. This too shall be broken, that’s my gut feeling. But do take care of yourself. Get well soon! Satish

VM said...

Well scripted.
Get well soon sir.... once a fauji always a fauji.... injury or no injury, one has to keep getting back on to the field.... again and again and again...
Can you imagine, yours truly must the only individual in the armed forces who got seven restrictions in the Academy for 'not reporting sick'
....... though same got waived off, of course .

Anonymous said...

Get well soon , lovely piece as always., even while in haven't lost humour.!!!

Vasandani said...

Though Age is a number - Injuries does see the age.

Get Well Soon Bhai


Dear Sir ,
Age indeed is a number however the way we can push it for maybe 5 to 10 years of active life is by taking due care in terms of just listening to our bodies and manage it on a day to day basis as everyday at this age we all will wake up feeling different and half an hour of physical work is essential in which ever form alongwith normal stretching exercises with a resistance band for those less used muscles as they are the ones holding up the skeleton.I am sure sir you will recover soon and carry on ,pl do not let these minor set backs hold you back 👍

S.K. Dwivedi said...

Very well written article.
Our team played well and that is all.