Sunday 30 July 2023

Charaiveti Charaiveti...

 Morning walks are not just an exercise, it is much more than that, it prepares you for the day ahead, a breath of fresh air and if you have a keen eye, plenty to register and take note of. The walkers are of all kinds, some who just amble along glad to be away from home for some time, housewives and oldies generally belong to this category.  They are normally in groups chatting away to glory, this outing is a routine activity which is eagerly awaited by them.  Then there are the fitness freaks who have taken the brisk walk to a blitzkrieg level, who just bash on regardless convinced that the 45 minutes spent here is panacea for everything in life. Any interruptions or obstacles are just brushed aside with utter disdain as that would be sacrilege. There are of course the ‘park/garden types’ who drive down to the nearest park where they have walking tracks well laid out and a separate place earmarked for all other activities such as Yoga, Aerobics, Zumba or some casual Cricket or Badminton or even the Open Gymnasium which has also caught fancy of quite a few. The good part is that potbellies and tummies do not deter them at all, as on their way back after this exercise they dutifully stop by at any outlet where they can relish their favourite snacks, the samosas, kachoris, jalebis to make up for all the calories which they presume to have shed in the couple of minutes physical activity. 

I always enjoy my morning walks, for a number of years our pet lab,"Buddy" was my companion, in fact he was the one who would nudge me out of the bed on those chilly winter mornings. Grudgingly I would be forced to shed the cozy quilt and dragged out, but the moment I used to step out, the morning breeze would awaken all the senses and provided me the kick start which we all have got used to. Alas he is no longer with us. The morning reveille since school days was not a very welcome event but once out, it was always very invigorating with the rigorous morning PT session. Now of course times have changed, one is normally awake and it is just inertia or plain laziness which  keeps us in bed. Cantonments provide us the right kind of environment for this leisurely but healthy pursuits, wide roads, lush green, almost pollution free. We realise this boon only when we land up in the metros where one is forced to seek refuge in the concrete jungle and a walk anytime of the day is akin to getting in the gas chamber without any protective gear. So one has to look for the nearest garden, where there is a semblance of greenery and one can indulge in the routine walks to give our limbs a modicum of exercise. 

A slight drizzle for company, I am tempted to jog a little, old habits die hard, soon start to enjoy the rhythmic steps on the road, softly humming “just walking in the rain” to myself, till I run out of breath and get back to my stroll. We all are captives of our habits cultivated over the years, a day without any exercise is actual drudgery, if not in the morning than late in the evening, a post dinner sauntering is a must do. All my life I have been more of an outdoor person, enjoyed playing games, sweating it out which was more than adequate as an exercise, more importantly it provided just the right kind of adrenalin rush to keep the body ticking. Despite the injuries sustained in the bargain, the courts and fields were too inviting and I just couldn't hold myself back, participating in six a side hockey even in the mid fifties. So walks were undertaken normally post dinner with the spouses and the dog in tow, but now I have no choice but to resort to being an old man and be satisfied with these pursuits. Although I am raring to  move to Mhow and return to the greens, as a round of golf with friends is equally rejuvenating. As of now as the Johnny Walker aficionados would swear, just keep walking  or as they say in Sanskrit “Charaiveti Charaiveti..”


Anonymous said...

Haha. I prefer the evening Sir. Though if one goes out in the morning then you feel great. Need Alex to nudge me more.......maybe like Buzo.


Keep walking

Kpm said...

The post walk flush and euphoria unmatched!!

Amit Tripathi said...

Suyash you have stirred lot of lazy bums by cajoling their heart, mind and body by your innocuous blog.
I am motivated and gonna start right from tomorrow morning.
Lets keep walking.
And you keep blogging.

Brig Tandon said...

Early morning walks are blessings

Shiraz Varma said...

You just set my laziness excuse lame.

Karthik Iyer said...

The words so lucid...invoke the Lagaan movie track...chale chalo....Budhe my mind....Sir,Thank You for the share.As always wonderful.

S.K. Dwivedi said...

You are a true follower of.....
उतीष्ठत । जाग्रत। प्राप्य वरन्निवोधत

Sanjeev Pandit said...

An interesting article Suyash. Many of us are fighting the 'Battle of the Bulge" to get back in shape and what best the morning walk be.
'Rise and Shine' is the effective precursor for a productive day ahead. The "Shine" is charaiveti 😊

Sudhir said...


Anonymous said...

Well, that’s a great read. I prefer walking while Sundar Kand is playing on my phone and enjoy it entirely. In any case, walking being the best excercise, one enjoys every morning without fail. Regards VZ.

Saurav said...

Wonderful 👍

M K Choudhary said...

Very interesting and motivating too, Suyash

Raj Jagga said...

Keep marching ahead...

Anurag said...

A very invigorating piece. Thanks Suyash for instantiating this proven haleness template, our circadian systems definitely shape up a lot better with such rituals.