Sunday 25 June 2023

Yogic Cocktail

 International Yoga Day having been adopted by the UN on an initiative by India is not just another day being celebrated internationally.  As it is there are plenty of them with even MSMEs having a day dedicated to them. Obviously the aim of declaring any day as a special day is to increase awareness of the people and to work towards the cause. that it espouses Yoga is India's gift to the world, with no strings attached, no copyrights just learn and practise. It is not just physicals but incorporates the spiritual aspects also, the only spirits that we have been used to is obviously not being referred to. Although even that kind of spirit does induce some sort of spiritualism in most of the aficionados. 

Yoga in Hindi means addition i e joining two parts together, although the asanas make every effort to convert them into disjointed ones, at least at our ages. Having used and abused our bodies in a manner as though it belonged to someone else in all these years in the Army, now we are seeking refuge in Yoga to bring them back to at least a semblance of the joints that they were, that too without having to take a joint of you know what.  The biggest culprit was the ammunition boots with the thirteen nails and horseshoe in the sole, our souls were permanently separated from our mortal bodies then and there. Drill Ustaads in the  Drill Square made sure of that, every time we did a "double time thum" That act is difficult to explain to the uninitiated, but let me make an attempt nevertheless, imagine as though you have been bitten by a bug in the derriere, a real painful prick, how would you respond, you would jump and then with all your might you would like to quash the bug under your feet, stomp it to death, that is exactly the manoeuvre that we repeated at least a million times daily, with the knees literally touching our nipples before crashing down. Mind you we had the ammunition boots each weighing almost a kg with all the iron in the sole. Now once you have been able to visualise the effects of this act, which folks sends shivers down the spine of an onlooker when a body of thousand and five hundred execute in perfect unison, so much so that even Queen of England Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth admitted that she had never ever witnessed such a spectacle. But it was not just the drilling that we did in the Parade Grounds, in our exuberance we injured ourselves in the knees, ankles, shoulders and went on break a few bones too either on the sports fields or at times even getting into minor accidents that too has taken a toll, so the creaking joints now don't just creak, they howl in protest every time we attempt any Yogic asana reminding us of all our misdemeanours over the years. 

I have heard that Yoga is now part of the curriculum in all the training academies, that is indeed a laudable step, a scientific approach towards toughening up the young lads. But in the same breath, I dare say, old habits die hard, I am not sure if all the other activities would now be reduced to a footnote in history or would they also linger on in some form or the other, that would be quite a heady yogic cocktail indeed. Some smart Alec will register this as a unique form of Yoga and even go ahead and lodge a patent even.


Anonymous said...

Nice one Suyash. Very apt

Anonymous said...

Very apt sir.

Anonymous said...

Very apt sir,

nitin said...

A timely reminder I would say that even more are we required to keep our bodies supple and muscles strong....

Ashutosh said...

Yogic Cocktail has been my dope for 45 years now. Have patented 'one' way ❤️ which passes all misdemeanours

Anonymous said...

Nicely written Suyash.


Anonymous said...

Fab stuff

Shiraz Varma said...

You drum up such vivid memories of the Academy Days ... It's crazy stuff that we did. Yog or not, we shall Asana .... Pun intended

Milind said...

Very rightly brought out sir. Stomping our feet on the tarmac of drill square is probably one activity that needs drastic reduction. Only when required ( ceremonial parades only). It has its affect on soles of our feet, ankles, knees and may have given jerks right upto the brain.

Anonymous said...

Sujugular vein at it's best again.. lovely interjection of all facets..we love more being ex NDAs

Sudhir said...


Glad Gladiator said...

Amazing as always, Suyash!
You create magic with your words!
Another form of YOGA!!!😇

Anonymous said...

While some yogis do use joints, u know what I mean, for attaining final goal of 'atma' yog with 'Param atma', to get away from cycle of birth n rebirth...
here I learn that to fix joints, one has to take refuge of Yog.
🙂 Nice one as always.

S.K. Dwivedi said...

Yog is essential for good health.We need to make it a habit.

Anonymous said...

Nice one Suyash ! The only yoga we practiced was - the seventh heaven type: -Arun

Anonymous said...

Yoga definitely makes difference in our life, nicely worded Suyash.

Sofie said...

Remarkable and unique union of mind, body, and spirit: yoga...feel proud that someone had the courage of conviction to project it and make it stick!

Simha said...

The demonic hollering of Drill Ustaads right into our ears, as to their expectation of what our knees should be doing, ... err touching, while onto the "double time thum", could ensure that they could get their share of sadistic pleasure in accomplishing one of the most effective means of turning 'Boys' into 'Men'! Wonder how would the Ustaads be going about this task now??!! I'm sure hollering the same words won't be allowed... proximity would be an added worry...means tough time for them... tch... tch...

Anonymous said...

A wonderful blog !

Brig tandon said...

Great thoughts to pen down beautifully

Anil/ F/ 70 said...

Very well written Suyash! The Academy Anecdotes have been nicely incorporated with their Satirical Yogic Connotation to add a Dash of Humourous Flavour to Whole Write up.

Anonymous said...

Beyond creaking and howling joints, the latest I heard from a course mate - Pitre is “lower body orchestra”. That sounded so apt!

Vipul Segan said...

Wonderful blog
Very aptly captured the nuances of military drill

Sanjay said...

NDA Yoga. I did enjoy Yoga club at NDA. Shavaasana was what I did the most.