Thursday 1 June 2023


‘Stuck’ on a ‘stick’, that's a ‘sticky’ situation indeed, instead of ‘sticking’ together at  such a momentous occasion, it all came ‘unstuck’. Sad, after all what is  the significance of a ‘stick’ in politics, unless if it is Sengol, the Chola Kings  “Golden sceptre”. Name not many were familiar with till all hell broke loose with the unearthing of the proverbial Golden ‘stick’, providing the Party in power with adequate ammunition or should I say ‘stick’ to beat the opposition to pulp, if they had their way. What may have been just a faux pas on part of some over enthusiastic curator, who described the object in question as just a Golden ‘Stick’, after all who in his right frame of mind will use a Golden Walking ‘Stick’ in a poor and impoverished nation that we were at the time of independence. Good that it was found in tact and has been returned to the new Parliament building where it belonged as part of the heritage.

It is a mystery as to how did Nehru ji agree to this ceremony with such religious fervour, after all he was an ardent agnostic modernist who, unlike his daughter was never seen anywhere around any temples. So much so, that he called the Dams and Steel plants as our modern temples. The fact that the ceremony was conducted is beyond doubt, as it has been covered in even foreign media of the time too. Gracefully accept that the ‘sticking’ point was not intentional and get on with life, but instead the parties have been going on and on like ‘stuck’ records. Unfortunately it isn't slap‘stick' even, at least that would have introduced some twist in the tale. But someone is definitely going to end up with the wrong end of the ‘stick’, that obviously isn't  a very pleasant situation. The old man who is at the helm anywhere has to carry a real big ‘stick’ to get things moving, probably that is what was the purpose of this "staff" handing over. This one is real big, about 5 feet in length and weighs 800 grams of pure Gold, with intricate carvings and a Nandi on its head signifying the righteous path to rule, in Hindi, it is called “Rajdand” or “Dharmdand”,  Dand means punishment, now the etymology of ‘Danda’ is crystal clear.

We in the Army are quite familiar with this ‘stick’, as nothing works without the "Carrot and stick" policy. The commanders at all levels symbolically carry it with them leaving no one in any doubt about the clarity of the intent. The "Cane" as it is normally referred to, is the biggest motivator and usually its mere sight is adequate to get the people to move immediately. The 50 plus generation would recall the  dreaded 'danda' which the teacher carried with them, which used to send shivers down the spine of students. It was generally well oiled to increase the 'effect based operation’. Flyboys are very proud of their antics with the joy’sticks’, they too are in command and as we said earlier, sticks and command go together like bread and butter. I can understand that Aam Aadmi Party is peeved as they had thought their broom’stick’ was the panacea for all the ills which plagued the country. Someone has to stick his neck out to bury this unnecessary controversy  lest we all are asked to stick’em up in true Cowboy style and get on with life with the proverbial 'stick' lurking somewhere in the backdrop.


Anonymous said...

So well written Suyash.👌


S.K. Dwivedi said...

We should stick to a single policy i.e. Nation first leaving behind all otherform of stick 🏒

S.K. Dwivedi said...
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S.K. Dwivedi said...

We should stick to a single policy i.e. Nation first leaving behind all other form of the stick 🏒.

Sudhir said...


Anonymous said...

I love your wry sense of humor.

Mrunal said...

Awesome sir

Vasandani said...

Very Well Expressed Suyash

VM said...

And now the 'sticky notes' proliferate the mobiles and laptops too.... so the virtual domain has also not been spared of the sticky situation. Once again well scripted sir!!

Anonymous said...

The stick which has everything to do with royalty, monarchy or rulers.......democracy??? Police ka danda.

AK Tewari said...

Sticks well

Anonymous said...

Funny surely. You hit the nail on the head.
Romesh Kaul

Surbhi said...

So well connected… eloquent!!
The STICKY affair…. Call it a stick or a danda… it has its presence in all domains of human existence.

Raj Jagga said...

So well connected...danda and results go hand in hand...

Sofie said...

This was an opportunity to write history. But it's been done in a grace-less manner. So much left to be desired!

Anonymous said...

Sir, well explained, regarfs

M K Choudhary said...

Simply Superb Suyash 👍👍

Anonymous said...

Stick to stick

Danny said...

The spectre of a sceptre: expected to unleash a lasting, perhaps north-south dividing debate, but not quite. What it did do is distract the nation from a more befitting exposition of the grandeur of the new facility, its engineering, aesthetics and project management achievements. Another baby thrown out with the bathwater. We needed both the baby (newgen thinking) and bathwater (lots of cleaning-up is overdue!).

Anonymous said...

Superb piece.

Sanjay said...

Rajdand. All forms of 'Dand' have been well interwoven in this script. Karry on shabdon ke Saudagar Suyash.....

Anonymous said...

Being army brats we were rather impressed with the Dandaman in our army Shaktimans which were our school buses .
Well another impressive dandaman is our present PM who had pushed the nation to its present heights .
The Sengol has served to bring the Indian culture to the forefront once again . High time we convert from India to Bharat again ….

Anonymous said...

U mean Danda Man well carrot n stick more appropriate n today's scenario to express Must have right ✅️ intent BUT sometimes poorly reflected 😔 Time we don't get confused by dharam n dharam dand lekin santity

Anonymous said...

What a stick!!

Col Ajay Shekhawat said...

Very well worded. Brief yet covers a lot. Lo Very to read more of your articles