Sunday 18 June 2023


 'Ants in the pants' is how one may describe the  disease which effects most air travellers in domestic airlines. I am not so sure about international air travel as haven't flown abroad so frequently, but invariably we Indians are at our best behaviour abroad, so highly unlikely. I am sure each one of us has been a witness to this very familiar scene, the moment the aircraft comes to a halt, even before the stewardess can announce the arrival and the connected formalities, the dreaded bug bites all and sundry. So before  she can say Jack Robinson almost all the passengers are on their feet and rush into the alley, open the overhead storage bins, pull out the baggage. In the process if it happens to land on a fellow passenger's head, they couldn't care less and surprise of surprise the one at the receiving end also is ready to grin and bear it as he himself is desperate to get hold of his baggage. If ever there is an Olympic event to check who are the fastest on their feet in the aircraft, needless to say we will bag the first 100 positions. 

We, the ones who do not conform to these kins of the legendary Jim the fastest, 'stand out' or rather continue to 'sit in' like sore thumbs. The circus is quite amusing if one is not stuck in the middle at this sudden spurt in the activities.  The best part is that these antsy don't even wait for the aero bridge or the ladder set to be in place and even if he/she is the last seat variety with no chance in hell to get ahead, he still does the same routine. The air crew are at their wit's end despite repeated pleas to continue to be seated and await their turn, the passengers just ignore them and bash on regardless. As it is 'cattle class' travel  is quite cramped and God forbid if you land up on the middle seat, where even the hand rests having been usurped by the window and aisle seated passengers by virtue of their exalted status. After all no one opts for  for this seat, despite it being free, you just get it, like it or lump it. 

Invariably  the window seat fellow is in a tearing hurry and is keen to get out so if you the middle seat wallah  have to fall in line, else the person is at liberty to execute a standing broad jump or may be just execute a perfect dive-roll into the aisle straight to go over you lest he be left behind. May be we should train our athletes and gymnasts on calisthenics within  the premises of aircrafts, they will improve their flexibility and also their reflexes. In fact although we do not have any claim to fame in rugby, but again a session in the aircrafts would provide them with an ideal platform for executing their tackles to capture the valise.

Sometimes I wonder whether the airlines should open the emergency exits for these hurricanes so that they can simply jump outside and be the first off the blocks in this race. Alternately Indians need to rework their designing of commercial aircrafts, where the aisles should be as wide as six lane expressways with no toll and barriers, till then sit tight and watch out for the baggage in the overhead bins or alternately work hard to graduate to higher echelons and start travelling Business Class.


Anonymous said...

Another master class write up ... simple yet deeply intriguing. Great going sir

Anonymous said...

Sir the way you pen down thoughts in such lucid, humorous and relatable manner is exceptional. Lot to imbibe sir

Anonymous said...

Another interesting article.Thanks Suyash.


Anonymous said...

Another master stroke sir...the competitiveness never ends.

vishy said...

Vivid description of this disease...and best part they will spend 20 mins waiting for luggage..

Anonymous said...

Master stroke hamare SG penned factual.g8 work buddy

ggpamidi said...

Awesome, love the way you paint everyday events in such an engaging and humourous manner

Anonymous said...

Too good bro.
Keep it up

Anonymous said...

Too good Suyash, ur pieces keep getting better by the day...keep it up.

Sudhir said...

Opening of rear door should be made compulsory

Anonymous said...

Too good Suyash 👌

Anonymous said...

Ants in the Pant, exclusive in India. Excellent write up brother and right on target. Western countries, we all wait and keep sitting until the row ahead gets up..
You are gifted to present some truths in a unique way.

Anonymous said...

So true Suyash, but let me tell you that the tendency is similar abroad as well. In fact in Moscow I kind of felt proud that we in India are not that desperate.

Sulabh said...

Very aptly the scene has been described, besides this is a huge safety issue, people jostling while seat belt button is on and aircraft not even parked properly. A little jerk of the huge equipment can cause injuries. Interestingly I have noticed pax obey private airline hostesses more than the erstwhile Sankari ones, in this aspect..

Sulabh said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful description of an ugly disease that is only made in India 🫠

Yash said...

Awesome sir

Anonymous said...

Very aptly put suyash. It is so annoying to find such passengers. It is not their fault though. They have never learnt the etiquettes of flying and ofcourse no one is willing to learn. Will have to live with this I guess.


Anonymous said...

So common yet no body wants to learn or be patient

M K Choudhary said...

Suyash, as usual a simply superb piece of writing!

Simha said...

Ha Ha... The other funny part is that these Quick Gun Murugans pull their baggage out at zuper speed and then remain standing like a ghuggu in a DTC bus.

BS Bisht said...

Humour with a pinch of sarcasm made it yet very interesting write up.Keep it up buddy.

Anil/F/70 said...

The common Sight in Indian Planes Whilst DEPLANING has been lucidly brought out.Inspite of being from the Highly Educated Class and high Status,the General Public lack the Basic Civic Sense of being Courteous and wait for their Turn.Very well written Suyash.

S.K. Dwivedi said...

You have a amazing skill in bringing out things which are hidden in the plain sight. Keep it up

S.K. Dwivedi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glad Gladiator said...

Amazing as always, Suyash!!!

Asmita Reddy said...

I can totally relate and each time I travel I wonder these same people don't show such eagerness in clearing garbage on the road or work in the office. Very funny and unique mentality.
You are so good in writing on such subjects which bother us too.

Anonymous said...

Simply amazing

Anonymous said...

With 140 crore population we have developed our own crowd behaviour and are quite comfortable with it. We drop a hanky through the bus window to block a seat and it is accepted. We rush to enter the train compartment in spite of having reserved berths so that others don’t usurp the luggage space under the berth. Managing just a few inches of space in the aisle to stand comes automatically to us and everybody learns to adjust. We cannot imitate westerners who need two feet of personal space around them.

Personally I love taking the aisle seat and keep sitting after the aircraft comes to a stop and make middle and window seat passengers restless.

Great observation Suyash and wonderfully penned.


sofie said...

Nice dose of wry humour...kept a muted smile on my face all through...quite chatacteristic!

Anonymous said...


Brig tandon said...

It is really funny to see the scene from a distance sitting in the aircraft.

Raj Jagga said...

Too have captured it so beautifully. Hope some airlines picks it up to publish in their magazine..

C. A Joseph said...

Very true. Suyash, you are a keen observer. It could be an eye opener for many. Congratulations.

Ishaan Dube said...

Hilarious piece on flying Economy in India :D
Also a good root cause analysis on why most window seats are paid nowadays!

Shiraz Varma said...

Very well crafted (meant it that way). It's like a virtual reality viewing as i read your words... Comes alive....

Milind said...

The write up reminds me of the state transport of bygone era, where ppl literally climbed on top of one another to be able to travel - seat or no seat... I guess mentality remains the same, despite the long wait for the queue takes at times half an hour before you get to the hatchway and another twenty minutesto the luggage collection strap and another twenty to get your luggage.... Love the way you put things across..

Vipul Segan said...

Very well captured
Deplaning is an exercise in itself

Anjan said...

Well written. Dread this event every time we take a flight.

Sanjay said...

Sahi Nabaz pakre ho Bhai. Suyash seems re employment assignment is BLOGING. You are firing articles faster than one can read in leasure. Very nice.