Wednesday 7 June 2023

Anthem of Creativity

Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought." - Albert Einstein. How apt was the observation of this great scientist. If I say Creativity is a prerequisite for excellence,  I am sure it will stand testimony to any research on the subject. Creativity is not restricted to writing, painting, photography, dance etc,  actually even in our professional lives, it is 'originality' which is one of the most 'sought after' quality. Copy cats can pass muster for a short while but for the long innings one has to be original in one's approach to every challenge or issue which one is faced with. Originality and creativity are closely linked, 'out of the box' thinking and ideas germinate in fertile brains only. No wonder it is a Dhoni who is more creative because he trusts his gut and goes for the jugular even in extremely dire situations. I would say sportspersons are naturally creative, always playing on their reflexes. Straitjacketed, the rule position guy is a good Babu, a clerk, who just follows the orders and sticks to them, but for real growth one has to step out of the ordinary and then analyse the issue threadbare without any preconceived notions and prejudices. 

Creativity and 'Start up' are also closely linked, after all it is something unique that gave the idea to the person(s) to come up with and pursue it, thereafter it is hard work, perseverance and of course Lady luck, it is only then that it emerges as a ‘unicorn’. As Osho the great philosopher says, "Creativity is the greatest act of rebellion in existence, only a person who gets rid of all conditioning can be truly creative, else you are merely a copycat." We know from history that most of the poets, artists, painters, sculptors were not given their due in their lifetime but they were recognised, understood and appreciated long after they are gone. Mind you none of them were pandering for recognition in their quest for creativity, it was the very purpose of their being, their raison-d'Γͺtre. If  for some reason they did not pursue their passion, they would die within, they lived because they were creative. 

Creativity is meditative, it is therapeutic, may be even cathartic in expression, action and obviously, it is oblivious of the world around, the creative person is not seeking approval of his labour of love. He just wants to do it because it gives him/her a different kind of pleasure, a satisfaction, a feeling of unity with the divine, with nature, some may even describe it as orgasmic. 

It is not as though recognition of their genius is shunned, after all every human being nurtures a desire to be known, acknowledged and appreciated, so it is welcome. But adulation may just be a spoiler in the act, as it is addictive in nature and then this may just slip into being something just ordinary, as the person would be seeking approval of the people and may end up shunning his own calling chasing fame and glory. We have seen many an artistes who lost their mojo after a truly revolutionary creation and couldn't come up with anything to match up to it later. Harper Lee could not not match up to her masterpiece, "To Kill a Mocking Bird", similar fate awaited JD Salinger after his "Catcher in the Rye". Closer home, Kamal Amrohi, the famous film director could not repeat his success after "Pakeezah". Vikram Seth the author of a very successful "A Suitable Boy" could not come up with an encore or Arundhati Roy after her Booker prize winning  "God of Small Things".

It is because the 'fragrance of freedom', an expression which I have borrowed from Osho again, was lost; the Bohemian approach to life was forsaken for other pursuits leading to the suffering  and suffocation of the artiste within. Being creative is our natural urge and we need to listen to our heart, not to the mind which is governed by logic, which is cold, it is the heart which is warm with passion, with love, with joy which manifests in our own creations. Life is not dull as a simple prose, it is a poetry in motion, not orthodox, not bound by rules just free flowing, may be even floating in space.“May a hundred flowers bloom” but not in the Chinese manner where they end up being crushed after that.

 May creativity blossom in each and everyone's heart, that is the path to salvation, lest we resemble the dystopian society in Ayn Rand's famous “Anthem"!


Ashu said...


KPM Das said...

Great read. Creativity innate to our species be unlocked

Anonymous said...

Creativity is inborn or inculcated..the path has to be such..excellent articulation sir

Anonymous said...

So beautiful and inspirational! πŸ‘

nitin said...

Anything that's creative is worth doing yourself.... Nice read Suyash

Sudhir said...


Anonymous said...

Your writings have always been simple, intresting and very easy to connect to. Keep writing and inspiring us sir.

Anonymous said...

Nicely brought out, a fact, but much ignored.

Glad Gladiator said...

Your creative juices are flowing through your words Suyash!!!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

C.A.Joseph. said...

Your creativity equals that of a genius. Great. Let us inspire our children to be creative and original.

Dragonfly’s Aerial Sojourns said...

Makes perfect ‘Sense’ - ‘Creativity’ of thoughts, as eloquently expressed in words by you, is the ‘Elixir’ for few, which also oxygenates the larger pool of ‘Stagnated Minds’ in the majority, afflicted by the ‘hyacinth’ of still thoughts……

Sandeep Malik said...

On point, as usual, Suyash.

Anonymous said...

Grt article sir

Simha said...

Creatively articulated - a gem of a write up. However, while all successful people are instinctively creative, for me though, there's that other side of the coin, i.e. the 'Vakra' Creativity. For example, Osho's 'creative' ways in not being a copycat was not appreciated by all. Likewise, almost always Thiru Tharoor employs his 'creativity' in ensuring people don't understand whatever he says.πŸ˜€

soniaghanda said...

Interesting creative read on creativity
Best wishes

Raj Jagga said...

Wonderful reading.. Creativity is spontaneous, is not bound by rules and something which everyone desires but only few are able to achieve.

Anonymous said...

Well written as always….
Jugaad is the creativity which is inborn to us Indians due to lack of on the shelf solutions and of course the money .
Second aspect of our approach to the creativity is perhaps our population which is second to none ….πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

Creativity in Arts blossoms when demands and desires are generally taken care while one who had to struggle in life may come up with most Creative solutions for life..

Yash said...

Insightful sir

Sanjay said...

Dil ki sun ke bebaak likh ke ,,, have orgasmic fun. You R not yet done. Carry on Suyash

Anonymous said...

Cherish wild ducks..

Sang said...

Cherish wild ducks..

Ishaan Dube said...

Great Read. Kudos to the Author!

Today’s madmen may well be tomorrow’s geniuses. To become a successful genius, however, requires one to have resilience, skill & luck in a healthy mix. Probably why people bet heavily on the likes of Elon Musk.

Shiraz Varma said...

is cathartic, is therapeutic ... you've got the depth measured so correctly.... Some of us were lucky to get a Donald Shimoda, some a master-of-copies

Vipul Segan said...

Great read
I would say that imagination and creativity are very closely inter ljnked

Anjan said...

Nice read.