Tuesday 3 January 2023

Shift Delete


There is a feature in Windows Operating System, when one presses two keys, Shift and Delete together, the file or folder which one wishes to get rid off is deleted permanently. As against plain and simple "delete" as that merely sends the file to the 'recycle bin', from where we can retrieve it anytime. I can see the smirks on the faces of nerds, try it as much as you wish to, we will recover what we need to. This data once on the hard disk can only be deleted once the disk itself is physically destroyed, with the help of a hammer or crushed and burnt/buried. But for ordinary mortals the data once permanently deleted is gone unless you get into the past life regression therapy to recover it. The parallels which  are being drawn with rebirth are obviously with a purpose. The Gurus want us to “live in the moment”, I am sure each one of us has encountered these spiritual Godmen who sermonise on the joy of being and living the moment and most of us have found it takes barely a few minutes for our minds to start with its antics and we either hop skip jump to the future or land up in sometime past with huge regrets on actions and deeds done or missed.

 How I wish we could do the same in life, all the unpleasant memories, experiences despatched forever into the black hole, irretrievable. But all that we manage to do is send it to the recycle bin of life from where, it just makes a comeback like a counterfeit coin. Ekhard Tolle waxes eloquent on the "Power of Now", but we would rather procrastinate on everything, worry about inconsequential issues rather than just observe. Easier said than done...

So 2022 is gone dead and buried, an year when we thought we had seen the worst part of Covid and come out with our mental physical being intact, although one can't say the same about the emotional or psychological ones.  2022 will be remembered for the Russia Ukraine war which shows no signs of abeyance even after 10 months. World obliviously seems to be hurtling on the path of a climatic armageddon and the powers that be are too busy playing the fiddle trying to sort Russia out even if they have to cut their own nose to spite their faces; in the bargain losing out on the much needed sanity. 

There is an urgent need for a format command and rebooting the processor, unfortunately formatting the disk will lead to losing the pleasant memories as well. As individuals who are spiritually inclined and enlightened, this process of discarding the trash comes naturally. The lesser mortals struggle with it and there are those relish it, just love living in the past; oldies are normally afflicted with this disease,"In my time...", "When I was so and so..." Without these memories they would be reduced to zero, something which is anathema for them, little realising that all the Zen masters were striving to just be that, a big Zero, with no thoughts, just be there. As the French say "Joie de Vivre"....


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written, it is difficult to permanently delete few unpleasant incidents, few hurts.. However, we focus on what is Pleasent, Honorable, Commendable.....

Anonymous said...

Cheers Suyash. Lucid as always. Wish you a creative and productive year.

Kpm das said...

Great read. Lessons come in bundles, drawn from both pleasant and the unpleasant past!!

Anonymous said...

Nice piece as always.

Esskay said...

Sir...a very philosophical post from your side ....keep your humorous post flowing...

Asmita Reddy said...

What an inspiring piece of writing

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to memories which don’t require ‘shift-delete’. Well written

Danny said...

From many perspectives (political, environmental, spiritual) we seem to be infected by terminal afflictions.

Are we headed for something as drastic, like it or not, as a fresh start?

CTRL+ALT+DEL, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Very well written . I do sometimes wonder whether we are getting too soft . The terms stress , pressure etc were unheard of in the gen prior . They took it as it came . Reminds one of the camel and Ferrari story of the Arabs …
Life is a sine curve …

Sudhir said...


Sushil Prasad said...

Poignant as always Suyash. Keep the words flowing

Anonymous said...

Very educative and enlightening.

Anonymous said...

Thought provoking sir,Couldn't help but remember the proverb -" It's not the load but the way some carry it , that breaks their backs".
All we can do is master the art of reduction & carry the indispensable with elan - aka the art of de-stressing. Cause inserting the vowel 'i' at places makes it distressing.

Parry said...

Nice read Suyash. Keep them coming

Dr. Vivek Mathur Ph.D. Sports Medicine said...

Sir, Beautiful articulation of words to understand the peaceful art of living. It's very informative and thought provoking.

Anvesh said...

Super articulation…

Anil Kumar said...

Yes…. Our lives require Rebooting regularly to stay refreshed

Anonymous said...

Nicely written Suyash. 👍

Akshay said...

Very well articulated sir

Anonymous said...

Nicely written sir 👍

Shiraz Varma said...

True that a simple delete leads only to removal from the FAT (file allocation table), aka current memories of our minds. Another jewel scripted by you Suyash. Fate unfortunately has a button called pause and replay....barely did Nirbhay go from burning to embers, that we have a 5 km hit and drag on New year's. Methinks, God's will hit the Reset button for mankind ... Signs are ominous with multiple asteroids hovering close on their fly path and one may soon head towards earthlings... Kalyug will end, maybe not soon enough, but in time.

Sarabjeet said...

Sometimes a simple reset works, alas not in real life. Nor will a game,set, and match do. God hitting the reset button may just a start a new cycle and a different kind of creature to inhabit the new world.

Anonymous said...

Suyash eloquently penned as always. We should all endeavour to take the lessons and pleasant memories from the known past and move ahead into the unknown and uncertain future.

Anonymous said...

This is good. I finally got to read. So very true.

archna said...

The gone year's pleasant memories include happy reunions and new alliances, never to shift+alt+delete!!!

Dharam Vir said...

* Nicely written, for most of us it is rather difficult to permanently delete or forget few unpleasant incidents, which still keep hurting at some intervals.
* However, focusing on what has been pleasent & to everyone's liking does help to forget & allows to live in Present.

Prashant said...


Anonymous said...

Cheers Suyash👏👏👏. Lucid as always. Philosophical too. Wish you a creative, recreative and productive year. 🙂🙂🙂

Anonymous said...

Wonderful articulation..great thoughts but tough to implement.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and thought provoking. Well written Suyash.

C.A.Joseph said...

Beautiful and thought provoking. Congratulations Suyash.

Anil Kumar F/70 said...

Philosophical lessons encapsulated in this Well articulated Note for us to incorporate in our Daily Lifestyle to bring in Positivity and eradicate Toxicity.Very Well Written Suyash.

Anonymous said...

A reset button is what we all wanted sir ..

Ankit said...

Very nice read sir

Anonymous said...

It is so real but one needed Suyash Baba for us to understand this aspect of LIFE. 🤗🫡🤗

Anonymous said...

great read sir

Anonymous said...

Superbly threaded pearls sir

Raj Jagga said...

Creativity of putting together thoughts in a subtle way is your forte - well written buddy.

Somesh Gupta said...

If only one could be selective in permanently ' shift dekete' but yes it's a package and we have to accept it - good, bad and ugly. Very nicely articulated Suyash.

Anonymous said...

As usual, wonderfully scripted. To become zero is awfully difficult for us lesser mortals. How I wish we were also like windows, with Shift +delete button! Keep writing Suyash. Love to read your blogs.

Manutoshpande said...

As long as " Ego" lives, Man is just a bundle of good and bad samskaras. There is no Alt Delete for him.

Sofie said...

Nice ...a soft reset is indeed required at times....