Tuesday 4 October 2022


Chitragupt is the Hindu God who is responsible for data management, keeps track of your deeds, 'karma' and boy He must be  a nerd to be able to manage such a huge volume of data. I am sure he would have got the best possible tools for Big Data analytics. He may not need Artificial Intelligence as with His supreme intellect he would be able to do all the analysis even before you can say Jack Robinson or better still Ramesh Singhania.  All the same I am a recently converted admirer of his abilities at book keeping. 

 I was just entrusted with the task of compiling the data of my NDA course-mates and here I am at my wits end after more than a fortnight having barely made any progress. By the way I am supposed to be at a decent level of computer literacy and what I presumed to be child's play, with the good old Google docs form doing the needful and I could just pick it up and work at it and hog all the credit. But this task of getting these lazy bums to shake their booties and fill in the details is beyond even Hanuman so it can't be human. It would be easy perhaps to get Sanjeevni than try to elicit responses from these rascals. Newton's Second Law of Motion works in only one way here, the inertia of rest, simply impossible to shake them out of it, but there is no inertia of motion as they can come to a grinding halt without any external force, because the natural state of an ex NDA is to be permanently at Rest only. The movements are purely momentary lapse of reason, whenever it does occur, if at all.

Having finally kicked their butts as that is the only force which works here, they did comply and started to fill in the details. But the battle had just about been joined, with many of them expressing their computer illiteracy and very proud of their exalted status, they naturally expected us to be the data entry operators to do the needful. As is customary, I had requested for their current photographs and family photographs also, primarily for the reasons of identification, as some of us have actually taken this ageing a little too seriously and have greyed and grown bald that even our mirrors may be refusing to recognise us. So it was wise to arm ourselves in advance rather than be shocked out of our wits that may jeopardise the merrymaking in the reunion itself. While some others have apparently been there at the Samudra Manthan and were the ones who stole the elixir and have defied the laws of nature totally by just maintaining that youthful handsome drop dead looks that again may cause a different kind of turbulence amongst the fairer sex.  The family photographs shared have their own unique stories with some with a toddler in their arms, now one is not sure whether  the progeny here is a result of a late bloomer in life or an early grand child in your arms. If the latter, it is not a matter of concern but if it is the former again, you are the cynosure of all eyes, after all, you still have it in you!!! while the others are all spent forces, empty cartridge cases...!!

God bless the 25 who have already made their peace and are sipping their drinks nice and easy waiting for their brethren to finish their innings to welcome us aboard. At the last count I had about 115  out of the 272 who had finally obliged. The balance, I think require some other means which I better leave to your imagination!!!


Anonymous said...

Lol. Noble cause. 😜

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Sleepy Coursemates, we could elicit such a nice blog from our Confucius. πŸ‘Suyash.

Anonymous said...

Excellent writeup. Very amusing and interesting.

Anonymous said...

Nice one..hope the remaining will respond...

Anonymous said...

Good one. Kick them hard.


Shirin Deshpande said...

πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Too good sir! Full marks for this innovative route to collate the data you embarked on! πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ✨ The way you can look at simple & mundane day-to-day stuff and infuse it with your superb class of humour! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

Bubesh said...

Great as always..this time with a mission too

Wg Cdr Jaganmohan said...

Fantastic as always Suyash, being your coursemate I can only say, your way of expression is perfect in conveying the message to the rascals that we all are. A management lesson in perfect words.


Ashok Soni said...

Not an easy task. But certainly your experience made interesting read

Sunil V Damle said...

Hilarious and apt!!

Anonymous said...

Submitted πŸ‘

archna said...

I can well understand what efforts you will have to make to get your sleepy brethern to wake up!!! Kumbhkarn would have been an easier prospect!!!!

C SPrabhakat said...

Very Apt. I hope it managed to stir up things among the group and the numbers have increased

Vipul Segan said...

I really appreciate your patience
Hope people read it and understand your predicament and fill in the details NOW at least
Well written with humour

Pradeep said...

Loving it...

Yadvendar sood said...

Mission impossible ...Make in India.. To make good for old friends..cheers

Somesh Gupta said...

How hilarious. I can relate to this situation so well elucidated by Suyash!

Anonymous said...

Inspiring to see you retain your sense of humour, instead of shoving bamboo slivers under the defaulter's fingernails πŸ˜€

Patanjali said...

You said it, Suyash!
So relatable, since I am amongst those who could be woken from our slumber after a few polite nudges. I know there are still many left who are waiting for a kick up their b'sides to respond...

Anonymous said...

Can identify with your predicament. For our course silver, i was annointed squadron SPOC for the task so that a course silver coffee table book coukd be published. Even getting hold of 23 of them was an exercise. The kick in the butt had to get harder by the day.

Sofie said...

Patience and persistence! C'mon guys do your bit!!