Monday 12 September 2022


Chanakya or Kautilya has been adopted as the mascot of everything strategic in India, and strategy is synonymous with the Military, after all the men in uniform are the premier arm of the government in execution of this strategy. While the teachings of Chanakya are immortalised in his magnum opus "Arthashatra", but I dare say most of the arm chair strategists who quote him endlessly have hardly read it; their views have been conjured or conceived in our Sand Model Rooms or the War Rooms which have been  aptly named Chanakya or Kautilya. 

Anyway, this piece is as divorced from strategy as chalk is from cheese. Today being a Sunday we were just idling away post lunch and not being fond of the afternoon siesta, we, my better half and self decided to go on a date. That is how Chanakya was discussed, Delhiwallahs  would have guessed it, The Chanakya is a Mall, which is not  for the  hoi polloi. Staying in Chanakyapuri, we thought ourselves to be the Elites too and sure enough in our Sunday best, we stepped into the haloed precincts of The Chanakya. We were like Alice in Wonderland, having stepped into this modern day fantasy world, we were lost at first, trying to fathom, whether it would be propah for us to step in and ask the cost of a few of the items on display. Actually I was in one of those benevolent moods, after admiring some from the displays outside, we gathered the courage to step into one of them and decided to look at the price tag of one of the shawls on display, it was an outrageous 75000/-. My magnanimity and benevolence went ducking for cover immediately and we sneaked out without being noticed. Well frankly we were not noticed even when we stepped in, as the sales persons know their customers well and can differentiate with window shoppers like us, giving us the cold shoulder reminding us without actually saying it that we don't belong there.  To be honest, it is not that one can't afford a 75 grand Shawl, it is just that the cost doesn't seem justified. Our middle class mindset probably keeps us grounded. An occasional extravagance once in a while is relished, but this was definitely not. To be honest i am not sure even if i were a billionaire,  i would still be able to indulge in this. We were wiser and steered clear of the Rolex, Mont Blanc or Ralph Lauren outlets. We came across a small stall with some desi sweets with the tagline, "Be a a laddoo". Intrigued I asked him what was monster like in eating a laddoo, he looked at us  urchins with utter disdain and explained that desi sweets are not the flavour here and thus partaking one was almost a cardinal sin earning them the moniker of the monster. We then sought refuge in the Foodhall, knowing here even if the prices were exorbitant it would still not tax my wallet. After all how much could bakery items, spices, veggies and fruits cost ? That basement store provided us some respite as there were some exotic varieties of these were on display which would put any supermarket in Europe to shame. They boasted of Cheese from Belgium, France, Netherlands apart from some local ones here, Thai Basil, Mexican Cherry Tomatoes, California Avocados and what have you!

We finally decided to settle down to a well deserved cup of Darjeeling tea, which unfortunately was not served in China but in a disposable ripple glass and relished it, looking around the gentry which was quite comfortable and at home in the surroundings.  We could see that we didn't belong here and so decided to bring curtains to our adventure and returned home.


Prashant said...

Great Suyash////.....

Vipul Segan said...

Very well scripted
Interesting read

Anonymous said...

Wise man returns wiser πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

AtulBeret said...

We do belong here. When we were young the Chanakya cinema hall and Nirula's with bamboo furniture was the in things. Time has moved these malls are the new generation outlets . I think we can enjoy them once in a while

Anonymous said...

Great piece. How true!

Anonymous said...

Cherish the Chanakya moment..
U are wise as some of us are otherwise..

Well written, kudos!
Dee aaR.(me)

Ashutosh Tewari said...

Chai, pe

Arvind Simha said...

So, the 'Date' finally turned into 'Chai Pe Charcha'! But you've really put across the typical 'Dilli Ka Dikhawa' so succinctly!!

Anonymous said...

Chanakya used to mean movie and nirulas icecream or pizza or burgers. Nicely put Suyash

Anonymous said...

Great blogs Suyash.
I liked the outing to Chanakya better. Something I fully identified with. A shawl for 70000 bucks, even a Shahtoosh will not cost that much. Reminded me of my outing once to Khan Market. A golf shoe on display attracted me no end. I cursorily glanced at the price tag which read around 4000 bucks. Sat down and requested to be shown the shoes and verily tried it on to feel happy that it was a perfect fit. Billing time, just imagine the shock, the cost was 40000 bucks. Ashen faced, had to apologise and beat a quick retreat.
Keep blogging to make sense out of non-sense.

Anonymous said...

This has been renovated, I believe.

Since it is being used mostly by the diplomatic community prices are also commensurate. In fact, they look towards you with disdain.There were some food joints as you enter on the left outside, affordable. Are they removed.

Great narration.

Anonymous said...

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Chanakya like thoughts .. Sir u chose the right strategy of Darjeeling tea in inhospitable terrain

Anonymous said...

The zing lies in the taste-buds of the connoiseur! Why be held to ransom? Lets chuck their price tags to the bin, and enjoy what we choose to...

Sudhir said...


Anonymous said...

Great reading....keep it coming

Anonymous said...

How true. I think all of our gen would behave exactly like this. Nabj pakad ke likha hai Suyash

Anonymous said...

Nabj pakad ke likha hai Suyash. Good one....

Jasbir Kanwar said...

One can identify with your outing which we experience numerous times..but articulated very well in your writing... great

Yadvendar sood said...

Chanakya movie while still in teens 80s...well you sneaked out of school to watch morning show front two rows were discounted n for adults 🎬 shakaal manager at entrance followed by Burger...Bun Tikka.. economy budget ...Top gun ..Blue lagoon was all favorite 😍

Anonymous said...

Good one. I am equally conscious at such places.


Anonymous said...

Chanakya theatre like Chanakya is discussed, but now history.... Brings so much of nostalgia, when it was being built some said it is shoe shaped, others claimed it to be replica of helicopter.... First movie we saw was Haathi mere Saathi... if my memory serves right, and many more later. Students bunking from APS, cud be easily found here by our detective teachers...

Asmita Reddy said...

I remember, i saw so many movies in Chanakya. Great read

Anonymous said...

Good one

Vasandani said...