Wednesday 31 August 2022


 Partition means different things to different people, an interior designer looks at it from the point of view of creating space, improving the aesthetics.  A carpenter will be looking at pieces of wood with carvings , a mason would be doing the same thing with bricks and mortar, create a wall, which would be more permanent in nature unlike the others' partitions which can be undone rather easily.The geek would imagine the partitioning being referred to as that of the hard disk of his computer.

A partition, by its very meaning signifies a temporary demarcation of space, at times to actually beautify or to create additional space. Indian Living rooms often have a Saharanpur crafted wooden partition, often decorative, separating the Living and Dining spaces in the premises. But alas, there is no "Undo" in real life.

This independence day I was mulling over the saga of partition and the riots  which accompanied it. Have you ever wondered, why is the division of the country referred to as partition? In Hindi it is referred to as "Vibhajan", in Urdu as "Batwara" which mean division, which it actually was, the mass of subcontinent was vivisected, yes it was a living thriving entity which was cut up and not merely the geographical mass. The powers that be decided to take this experiment to its culmination, like an inexperienced butcher, the country was hacked into pieces. Even if it was to be undertaken, there was no surgeon's scalpel, which would have done it with more precision and less pain.  This division obviously was not temporary, the Colonial Masters in their strategic vision wanted to ensure that the subcontinent should forever be in turmoil, in conflict with itself, providing the Powers that be the opportunity to intervene, interfere while their own interests continue to be served.

Well, we not only divided the subcontinent but also our hearts, minds and physical bodies as well. When I was young, I always hoped that like Germany and Vietnam some day we shall overcome this artificial partition and be united not in the Akhand Bharat manner probably, but at least in the minds, we could live as friends if not long lost brothers. I had more faith in the people and expected them to have more sense than continue this nonsense. Obviously I was naive, it has gotten worse. 

So why have Germany and Vietnam succeeded and Korea and India-Pakistan-Bangladesh failed? Is it merely homogeneity of population, obviously not, as Koreans are of the same stock and religion, but they are plagued by the systems of governance and of course there is China, the Gorilla in the room, who would rather have status quo. In our case this division was thrust upon us because  a small section of the population could be influenced without any consideration for the ramifications. Britain was not alone and Asia was not the only continent, even Africa suffered a similar fate at the hands of their colonial masters, be they Germans, Dutch, French, Portuguese or Belgique. They were all alike, the degree of brutality varied, but the aftermath was a continent or subcontinent as in our case,  left licking their wounds.  Arbitrarily  drawn boundaries dividing clans and ethnic communities made the situation worse.

It is the money which makes the mare go, if India continues to grow even at its present rate and become a 10 trillion dollar economy in the coming decade,  will Pakistan realise the futility of the policy of pursuing this undeclared war any further. What if Pakis one day suddenly express their desire to join the Indian confederation sometime in future, what would our reaction be? Will we welcome them back, or just ask them to stay where they are; but try and be friends first? It is difficult to imagine Pak doing this today, but you never know....... there are no "Undo" features in real life! Or May be there are.....


Anonymous said...

Very succulently put , Inshah Allah so be it.....🤞

Anonymous said...

Well written Suyash 👏

Prabhakar said...

Very relevant questions in the end Suyash. I hope we manage to live till this day arrives.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan of today is far removed from the social, cultural, linguistic entity it was in 1947, having changed through many convolutions. It is now a uni-religious, quasi-Arabic, Salafi Sunni society with little commonality of vision and purpose in a future Indian state.

Anonymous said...

Very well articulated always..Nothing is random in your musings..👍👍👏👏

Benjamin ADIAPPA said...

Extremely well articulated, while growing up we too had that wish, if the subcontinent could unite again...

VM said...

Very well said sir. Nonetheless, I would prefer peaceful coexistence over a resultant turmoiled unification.....

Ashutosh Tewari said...

The Partition was based on Jinnahas 2 nation theory. That is why its geographical lines were decided on demographical population. Hence, east n west Pak.
The foundation was based on distrust, envy and hate. Hence, the ensuing bloodshed, wars and terrorism. As the foundation was fake so was n is their attempt to find an identity.
Baring a few communities eating and speaking common, there is no ground for assimilation. Infact, more hatchets are ready to carve new bdys.
Trillion dollars can't replace a heart steeped in hatred n pumping for revenge. Love thy neighbour can happen only when love is present.
Lastly, Partitions happen in the minds and hearts first. Then on the ground.
But, my prediction is that in 20 30 years the lead hearts will melt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful articulation of the emotional pangs and unanswered questions most of us experienced at different stages of our lives. More power to your pen. God bless 👍👍

Glad Gladiator said...

Let us hope so!

Yadvendar sood said...

Thought provoking But vested interests always Influence our minds...which is what colonial rulers desired n imposed rather thrust upon us.EU can why not Asian subcontinent...politicians on both side will never ever let it happen..

Glad Gladiator said...

Suyash! you have very well articulated the idea of partition with the analogy of the wooden screen that we all in uniform are very familiar with!
At one time or other, we also thought on similar lines asto why can't we field a single team in some sports like, Cricket where the likes of Sunil Gavaskar, Zahir Abbas, are playing together and we would have been a dominating power!
Also, if it could still happen maybe 50 years from now, it will still be a revolution of a Kind!
However, the various Power centres in both countries as well as the other Super Powers will allow this to happen,is a mute question!
Even peaceful co-existence is very much possible for the same reasons! But will this be allowed to happen????

Glad Gladiator said...

We need another Revolution for this to happen!

Vineet Bhatia said...

Nice. Something different this time.

My father, 86yrs, still gets teary eyed at the mention of Sindh (we're Sindhis, uc), Karachi etc.

He'll start his stories, (which we've heard any no of times) all over again. He was 11, my mother only 4, when they came over. He remembers everything vividly (and if I may say, very fondly), my mother not so much.

I have always maintained, that if God in his wisdom had decided to place me 500- 600 km on either side ( hardly any distance, where God is concerned), our lives would have been so different and very very much worse, than what it ever was or will be, in India.

Thank You God, for maj mercies 🙏

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Suyash. Vasandani

Anonymous said...

Well written Suyash

Patanjali said...

Beautifully put, Suyash. I recall my father recounting the tales of horror where he had seen the mankind at its worst during that period.
But that should not stop us from dreaming......

Amrik said...

Nicely articulated, Suyash

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing sir

Anonymous said...

Different genre this time sir. I feel the community characteristics have a major role to play. Probably West Germans displayed that and accepted their poorer cousins. Hatred in our nation for each other has only been fuelled and increased with time. However, Let’s be optimistic….

Prashant said...

Very nice

Javed said...

That is an excellent idea beautifully expressed Suyash.This could become a reality some time in future once the good sense prevails & people understand the futility of batwara that has bled them throughout their history..Focus in these countries needs to be shifted to education,healthcare and development of the human indices to improve the quality of the population that would give them the wisdom to use their upper story!!.... Unfortunately,we are going through the exploitation mode where votebank poltics, religious divide, caste based differences will affect the self interests of those at the helm of affairs...

Anonymous said...

Nicely put across as usual Suyash. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

Well written. A totally different perspective. The dynamics of the issue in hand are really very very complex. A nice food for thought.

Vipul Segan said...

Well written. A totally different perspective. The dynamics of the issue in hand are really very very complex. A nice food for thought.


Anonymous said...

Well maybe we or our kids get to see this magical event of renunification. Maybe...just never know

Mike James said...

Your musings delve deep. Well written.

Anonymous said...

Won’t happen in our life time for sure but you never know in future . - sunil

Deepak Dhanda said...

As usual, very gripping and thought provoking. I am confident that Pakistan would rather prefer getting distorted off the map than think of joining hands to preserve itself as part of original Bharat before Partition. Few months back I was hoping that Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangla Desh may file a resolution in UN to be part of India and surrender their Sovereign Status to be part of Economically Strong country. Yes, the bottom line you expressed about Money maketh the... is true and may dictate a change of heart but never of Political Pakistan.