Wednesday 4 May 2022


What makes  50 pluses behave like 15 year olds wannabe, travel miles ?  Well; just a call from their course mates... to be with their brothers in arms, arm in arm, just like the good old days, reliving them, guffawing without any perceptible reason, pulling each other's legs over their appearances, balding pates, expanding girths and generally just messing around. A motley crowd of almost 70 odd Cadets with their rather mature, elegant, graceful better halves, who have adopted these juveniles, got together for one such function on the 30th April in Delhi. 

No it wasn't anyone's wedding, nor was it the usual commissioning day celebration, it was just another weekend and a clarion call by the one and only 'Bob the Bakshi' I was reminded of Stevie Wonder’s “I just called to say”, a rage during our NDA days.

“No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring, no song to sing
In fact, here's just another ordinary day”

Guys travelled from as far as Vijaywada, Secunderabad, Chandigarh, Pune, Dehradun just to be there and be a part of this fun and frolic. Most have since re-attired, only some of us continue to adorn them, some have recently become grand parents, some are also 'in-laws' but when it comes to these occasions, we are the same wide eyed 16 year olds dreamers. Although most of us have lived our dreams and nightmares in the three decades plus... Wellington, Kashmir, Kargil, North East, United Nations peacekeeping, Belgaum, Mhow, Deolali, Pune  and so on.....

We live “in moments”, although philosophers would want you to live “for the moment”, which is a tough one, but it is these moments of divine pleasure which we live and die for. The bond is a strange one, we spar endlessly on what’s app on political, religious, strategic or any other nonsensical issues, throw tantrums, but face to face, all that is forgotten, it is just backslapping bon-homie!  16 year old is a very impressionable age, the bonds forged then, last lifelong. I often wonder whether this bond is due to the ragda that we withstood together, the Sinhgarhs, punishment Periphery runs, midnight bathroom sessions, Camps or was it just the time spent together for those vital three years where we got to know each other better than our parents or siblings or even spouses. Actually deep down we know when the chips are down, he will cover my back and that is the inherent strength. I dare say we were indeed fortunate and blessed to have led such an eventful and colourful lives.

Amidst all the merrymaking there are interesting tidbits which we pick up like the exploitation of technology in extraction of sandalwood oil, or that sandalwood is available in abundance in the jungles of Madhya Pradesh, I am sure you all guessed Karnataka! After all the notorious Veerappan made his living in the dreaded forests in that very belt. Someone was waxing eloquent on Realism versus liberalism, someone had taken to evangelism and some had turned spiritual without the need for any spirit, but all of us had one thing in common, espirit-de-corps!! Most of the serving varieties were busy listening to the stories of their friends who had taken the plunge rather early and joined the civilian world, the retirees were enjoying their second innings with talks veering around the types of cars and a certain "Bright Red Thar" which had captured the imagination of not just the course-mates but also of many damsels. We had our very own Cavalier regaling us with his country music, the Travoltas had the dance floor to themselves! All this while the ladies watched rather bemused at our devolution (Devolution, de-evolution, or backward evolution (not to be confused with dysgenics) is the notion that species can revert to supposedly more primitive forms over time.) Our antics were proof enough.


Akshaya Handa said...

Dysgenics? Antics? Which side of the Indo Pak border are you buddy?

Anonymous said...


You write so beautifully. Bond of coursemates is stronger than any adhesive mankind has known.
Your happiness is unfounded when you meet your Band of Brothers.


Anonymous said...

Missed the grand GTG! You guys are looking awesome

Anonymous said...

That was the meet i missed, but your narration rekindled the Cadet in me Suyash, as ever well elucidated.
Keep it coming

AtulBeret said...

Another master piece from you

Mike James said...

And there you have described a course gtg so vividly. Any course anywhere the antics remain the same. No discrimination of 1,2 or 3 star. Anybody and everybody could have been -"lifted up and thrown down" not figuratively but literally.

Anonymous said...

Another excellent one. Keep writing.

Vipul Segan said...

Very true. This phenomenon is most seen in defence forces due to the comraderie developed during our training years which is further strengthened by the tough times and risks shared by us during service. Very well written indeed.

Anonymous said...

Lovely bonding sir ... you have captured it so well and presented it for us ... everyone can relate to this and have celebrated I'm our own way. Thank you for the wonderful piece

vd singh said...

Dear Suyash write so beautifully. Our gang...summer of 87 gets stronger with such GTG. God bless all of us

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As the song goes Sir - the best of times - perhaps that's why we regress so readily

Anonymous said...

Interesting Suyash. All coursemates are still kids/cadets at heart.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fresh from the heart- one size fits all courses sir! Brilliant

Parry said...

Another refreshing dose. Beautifully articulated. Missed out on the fun.

Arun Sabnis said...

Wow! Nicely put Suyash, you have managed to paint a beautiful picture of the Coursemate party into words, no doubts that many of us who missed the chance to be in the get together this time, will make the efforts to join up for the next one

Anil Kumar F/70 said...

Dear Suyash!
We outstation Buddies could get a First hand Account of What transpired during the GTG ,reinforced by the Bonhomie showcased in the Event Pics / clips shared on the Course Group.Whilst reading the Well written lucid Narrative of the GTG,We infact felt part of it and could feel the Course spirit Energy emanating from the GTG Venue.

Sarabjeet said...

And those who have front rolled together will always be a Band of Brothers.

Asmita Reddy said...

Enthralling writing

Sofie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sofie said...

As always, the evening was rejuvenating; thoroughly enjoyable

Anonymous said...


Indeed pleasure to read through your first hand experience of recently held course get together. Yes, I agree to each and every aspect which you have illusidated in ' Devolution'. Congratulations and keep up the momentum of writing.


Sam Bee

Somesh Gupta said...

Very nicely penned down. Keep entertaining us Suyash

Vikas Madhok said...

Enjoyable writeup on the devolutionary species

Anonymous said...

Hold ur horses, no my horse !
The surge of emotions by ur magical words dear Suyash has made me a part of the grand evening ,even thou I was thousand miles away rowing the boat in Gopalpur!The part of spiritual adventures caught my eye and the word espirit De corps,brought a smile ..
Ur magical words bond us n the Josh of 70 just beomes Hiiigh!..
Cheers from Ramu

Anonymous said...

When friends meet , hearts 💕 warm up . Outstanding discription of old buddies informal meet Suyash ! Missed it ☺️🍺.

Yadvendar sood said...

Well felt as part of GTG n memories got new wings ..proud to be part of summer of 87 make us reconnect to superb Bonding..Big Thanks

Samir Dhaga said...

I love 'devolving' , loved the article.

Pani said...

ये दोस्ती हम नहीं छोड़ेंगे 🤗

Rajiv Divekar said...

Well written. Just got back from my unit Raising day Silver Jubilee celebrations. It was the same scene. At 67 years one became 21 years old in those 4 days celebrations and enjoyed. Felt rejuvenated. Great write up. Pleasure reading it.

Anonymous said...

Sir Good Morning. Sir u write beautifully. Love this article. Regards

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir. This was truly a treat to read. What super depiction of the very concept. Felt connected from the 1st word. Thanks for sharing. Ajay Ramdev

Sunil V Damle said...

Wonderfully penned as usual, Suyash. Brought out the course spirit in the get together in it's true form!

S B Singh said...

Beautifully captured 👏👏👏. One feels as if we are present there...... enjoying the event and emotions. 😊😊😊

Anonymous said...

The bonhomie certainly reigns supreme. Over the years our better halves have seen our best with these khadakvasla beings of a better God. You're spot on with your observations on despite-the -differences kinship of 16 age. I guess, our bond of chasing long green hedges instead of our civilian counterpart skirt chases made us into a unfragmentable whole .... Your words put life to an otherwise unmentioned aspect of 70 NDA

Glad Gladiator said...

Amazing as always with the magic you weave with your words, Suyash!!!

Anonymous said...

Your have a way with words …… kelp writing buddy

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sir, it is always great to be with old buddys whether from school, academy or courses. This puts a fresh life into you. Our YO course is getting together in MCTE in June and every one is just counting days.

Anonymous said...

Ingradients are there with most of us, but you cook the best recipies Chef Suyash. Vol II ka time aa gaya hai boss....

Anand said...

Three Generations together
the younger ones to remind us to behave "decently" and the senior lot to still allow us to throw caution to the Wind. Well that answers your question. A wonderful occasion to remember and cherish. Well now a new journey as " In laws " 😌starts for both of you

Vasandani said...

Loved reading it. Excellent

Pradeep A said...

Capturing memorable moments in words is an art Suyash has perfected..
Well written piece

Deepak Dhanda said...

So relatable but only few have the art of putting the devolution to such high level of unparalleled ecstasy. Keep them coming Suyash. More power to your pen. Had been busy doing short trips so couldn't read earlier.