Friday 4 March 2022

Russian Roulette

Indians and Pakistanis are normally on friendly terms when they are not in their respective countries. After all they have shared a common heritage, although our neighbours have been living in denial since independence. The relationship is not easy though, we speak the same language which does help forge a bond. While in the UN there were quite a few colleagues from the not so friendly neighbourhood, we were “hum nivala, hum pyala”, as they say in Urdu, i.e. we shared food and drink too. Why this sudden allusion to Indo-Pak relationship, well Russia-Ukraine have shared a similar history. One nation, broke up and today sworn enemies at each other’s throats. Not really it is the Bear which has the Ukrainians in a tight Bear hug almost choking them. 

Once again I am reminded of the UN Peacekeeping days in Cote d’Ivoire where we had Russian officers as our colleagues in the Military Observers Team and Ukrainian pilots flying the ramshackle machines and landing them in most unforgiving areas. Russian-Ukrainian bon homie was visible, they spoke Russian, were part of the same USSR Army just a decade ago. Russians were immensely proud and looked down with disdain on most other Army personnel. Obviously they hated Gorbachev and Yeltsin for reducing them to this status from a one time Super Power.

I am sure they would be mighty pleased with Putin, who shares his first name with Lenin himself, Vladimir…he had to be different. The other day I was taking a walk in Nehru Park in Delhi, guess whose statue appears there prominently, Lenin himself. I am not sure there would be many countries where Comrade Lenin’s statue still finds a pride of place. Our socialist milieu would definitely be proud of our allegiance and maintaining the links with history. Putin has left an indelible mark in the annals of history, whether he lands up in league with Hitler, Stalin and their ilk or Napolean will depend on the outcome of this desperate measure. If he emerges victorious he would have changed the course of history, else obviously he would be dumped in the dustbins as another villainous Saddam.

Putin incidentally shares his name with another famous or rather notorious Russian, Rasputin, those of our generation would definitely have grooved to BoneyM's chartbuster, “Rasputin…Oh those Russians!” The once KGB Boss is in no mood to relent and despite the whole world against him, he has decided to finish off what he started. The Yanks obviously underestimated him, you can’t blame them; after all Putin has been at the helm of affairs for almost two decades now and he had behaved quite rationally so far. This irrationality has shocked the West or has it?  

The Military Industrial Complex had been at a loss ever since Afghanistan wound up. The Arms lobby was in desperate need for another conflict to keep them going. One can almost see them celebrating, Ukranian canon fodder, in lieu of some Third World Asian or African nation, even better….after all they are Caucasians, blue eyed and blue blooded….more tears will be shed! The global economy in turmoil... all indicate happy tidings for the Arms lobbies world over.

 We may have given the Non Alignment a quiet burial but national interest is paramount and that has dictated our actions so far. We depend on the Russians for our security concerns.So India and US may be natural partners, oldest and largest democracies, Strategic Partners and so on....but "There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies just permanent interests." Thus spake William Clay, a black American politician. We Indians have perfected this art at home while switching allegiance between parties, keeping in mind only personal interests, ideology can be damned or be adopted. Having mastered it, we can practise it with ease.

“Mera Joota Hai Japani, Sar par Lal Topi Rusi…” , the Awara vagabond RajKapur crooned and won the hearts of Communist Russians, erstwhile USSR. Even today, old timers still hum the tune nostalgically. Indians continue to walk the tight rope doing the trapeze act between the West and and the Ruskis.  Russian Roulette does keep things interesting.....


Ashutosh Tewari said...

Phir bhi dil hai hindustani

Reji Koduvath said...

Russian Roulette does keep things interesting - but at whose loss??

If Putin succeeds, imagine Pakistan and China together attacking Kashmir or China annexing Arunachal!! Where will India go?

Its always a tricky situation to have either foot in two boats. It is all fine when the water is still, that might work, but when the waves come - good luck to you!

chhotu said...

I'd say temporary interests........God only knows what is permanent

Sulabh said...

West... NATO karwan K talaash hai, NATO humsafar K talaash hai.. Mere shauk é Khana kharab ko tere rehguzar K talaash hai..

Russia.. Mere namuraad junoon ka hai ilaaj koi to maut hai.. Jo dawa K naam pe zaher de Usey karagar K talaash hai...

Glad Gladiator said...

It is definitely a tight rope walk for India!

quasimodo said...

The current situation with it's loss of life is tragic. Unfortunately, in these opiniated times we are quick to take sides, condemn, castigate yet we do not pinpoint the root cause of problems. Possibly because the other views might expose the mistakes and greed of a flawed approach.
Nations must serve their self interests based on realism and not platitudes

Abhi said...

Very well articulated dear Sir

Sujay said...

Interesting and not able to understand your doubt on Russian victory?

Unknown said...

Very difficult time let's which course history takes.But suyash is taking off with these interesting articles

KPM Das said...

A splash of humour in these terrible times for all.....

bloggerindian652 said...

Really well articulated sir....your sense of humor is unmatched 👏 👏
Really love your musings

Vasandani said...

Absolutely true. Jai Hind.

Raj Jagga said...

Interesting read; time will tell the full story. Suyesh, keep writing, u hav a remarkable style.

K Sanjay said...

Very nice article sir . Another inseparable from Russians is vodka. In Sudan where sharia law forbids any kind of liquor, the Russian polots could source it from Entebee or Juba and could deliver last mile in car bonnet. Did possess risk taking or must say recess behaviour. Will give two hoots to UN or US .

Rajiv Ahlawat said...

Very apt subject for during these volatile times of war..... The human angle of all neighbour countries is very different from soldiers drawn into conflict by Govt orders.... Nice article.

Ashok K Vasudevan said...

With the sentiments of the times ....

Vipul Segan said...

Well written. India is being looked capable of intervening. Ukrainians have been begging us. But our own interests and past actions of Ukraine against our interests have prevented us in being active in this regard. Hopefully the war should end soon.

Unknown said...

Very well articulated sir. I wish India was in a state where it didn't have to depend on any of the two blocks. "Khud ko kar buland itna ki har taqdeer se pehle khuda bhi bande se puchhe, bataa teri raza kya hai".

Sofie said...

As a nation we have our compulsions. But every act of commission/ omission has its consequences. We are inexorably entering a tough and uncertain phase of India's future. Delicate balancing is called for...

Abhijat said...

beautifully accurate and humorous reading...much needed when the media (domestic and international) is busy treating this terrible war like a video game :(

Rohit Mehrotra said...

Very well articulated. Certainly,it's like walking on a tight rope. We have no option, but to look after our own interest and continue our present stance of not peeving off Russia. Russia has stood with us in our times of need. Continue with your writing.

Anil/F 70th said...

The Current Happenings engaging the Global Community have been succinctly brought out in an unbiased Manner, peppered with Characteristic Style of Humour and anecdotal Snippets.

Suyash! Keep churning out Such interesting Notes as a Welcome Breather to the Monotonous Narratives.

Col Jitendra Singh said...

Nicely penned down dear. A matured political leadership in Ukraine could have averted this war.True colour of NATO is also exposed.

Unknown said...

India with the present government is no longer chicken the previous seventy years was a sad story of corruption bybthe nehru Gandhi clan

Sheraz Varma said...

Scripted rawther well. War and games at play. Let's wait and watch. As AshuTiwari predicts, Assassination an upcoming option.

Satish Mallik said...

A very balanced commentary on the present situation with your trademark humour. India can remain non-aligned or join any block. Till such time we remain a valuable market all relationships are kosher. War is fought by politicians using soldiers as cannon fodder. Citizens hardly have any animosity, unless whipped up by politicians. They are busy making their lives better.

Biswajit Panigrahi said...

Good one Suyash as always

Sriprakash Pany said...

Well written article Suyash : good analysis of the present scenario

Unknown said...

Very well articulated. Difficult situation

VM said...

Well scripted.
With indirect tussle between US/NATO and Russians, while Ukraine is bleeding, possibly China could be a silent gainer

Vasandani said...

Well written as usual.Loved reading it