Saturday 25 September 2021

Girls in NDA : The Final Bastion


The final citadel has been stormed, leaving in its trail bruised egos, unsure soldiers and all at sea veterans. The hierarchy simply caved in without even a semblance of a fight. Yes I am referring to the entry of girls in NDA, now that the judiciary has issued a diktat, like it or lump it, gender discrimination has been buried. At least the legal eagles would like to believe that. Wish it were that simple, then by now we would have been a caste less society with no religious persecution,  crime free utopia, in fact we would all be living in  the proverbial “Ram Rajya”.

I can understand the anguish of the veterans, they are peeved as to why did it take so long for the high and mighty to open the floodgates; they  were after all an “all boys club” in the academies and even later on. As by the time, the ladies made their foray as short service commissioned officers, they wer
e already senior in ranks much married and father figures, a role which they played to perfection mollycoddling the young ladies in the initial days. It is believed that one of the Commandants in OTA Chennai in the initial days walked in with a box full of chocolates for the opening address to the LCs (lady cadets). It is to the credit of the young ladies that they imbibed the ethos in the units they served in, as also the unit officers ably led by their Commanding Officers who groomed them that they started proving their worth in the organisation. The armed forces and chivalry are synonymous, ladies were always treated with utmost respect, to that extent ladies joining the Armed Forces were safe. 

The Fauji hierarchy has also tied itself in knots, now that permanent commission has been granted to women officers, the mode of entry through NDA or OTA is actually immaterial, except the functional issues which are more administrative in nature, which given time can be addressed.

Then why was the organisation not keen on taking them on board for a permanent commission and kept them from harms way by restricting their employment to so called sedentary duties and did not let them see action in the combat arms. Obviously there must be strong reasons and if that was so, then why did they give up so easily and accept the writing on the wall.

Having been an instructor with Lady Officers as trainees and having commanded them in units in peace, field and exercises, I can say that by and large they made good officers. However, one had to be mindful of their physical limitations and assign them tasks commensurate with their capabilities. A leader is expected to know his officers and men and should be able to motivate them to excel. The lady officers were happy if they faced professional challenges successfully without being given any preferential treatment. Would I be a vocal supporter of this cause then.....I am afraid, no. 

Despite all the positives, there are a few major issues which can't be overlooked. First and foremost is our society and culture, and the unreasonable and illogical pressures by the public and media. The Kandahar hijack  episode is a blot not only on our security establishment for having failed to  Abhinandan's capture by Pak during the post Balakot incident is still fresh in everyone's minds. There was a clamour to bring him back at all costs. 

Kandahar hijack and its aftermath is still not faded from our memory, when the media and general public went ballistic demanding immediate capitulation to secure the release of the passengers. If that is not enough, the mutilations and torture of Lt Anuj Kalia during Kargil and Sqn Ldr Ajay Ahuja who was also brutally tortured and murdered despite being captured alive……..God forbid if such an eventuality was to occur with the adversaries we face who do not respect any human rights, wouldn’t we be putting ourselves as a nation in a very delicate situation of our own making. 

The second issue pertains to the elitist nature of elimination of gender discrimination, effecting only the officer cadre, how about the rank and file. If the ladies are as good as gentlemen officers then why not induct them as sepoys in all the arms and services? Worth pondering!! The honourable Supreme Court compared St Stephens college permitting girls with that of NDA, with due respect My Lord, while the former is just a college and the latter is a military training institution. Obviously a case of comparing apples and bitter gourd (karela), not oranges as they are at least in the same genre of fruits(!). 

Well then, now that it is fait accompli, welcome aboard girls but tread with caution…..the path from here on will  be tough and toughs are expected to get going..




Anonymous said...

Interesting take..keep it coming ��, unfortunately its become a fashion to heap authority on most humble and obedient it babu and now these super babus and topiwaalas and chaiwaalas.. and I think after women,LGBTQ will be next, followed by immigrants and illegals, woke liberals etc etc..
Any one adjudicating or dealing with the Army must go through compulsory military service.. then they can feel Macho while using their pen and blindfold on eyes

Col Tyagvir Raghava said...

Great write up..

KPM Das said...

What is sad is that the Govt made no attempt to highlight why NDA and just-another-college had very little in common

Sudhir Nagpal said...

They can be trained in a separate Sqn, separate curriculum with common classes and joint POP

arun sharma said...

As you said, it's now a fait accompli. Well articulated as usual.

Sachu said... your musings...This one is hot and you have written some very pertinent points and enough has been written...time the heirachy woke up and stood ground
Gender equality can't be selective
Keep writing buddy..great effort

Sanjay said...

Judiciary that can harness deeper reserves of compation ethics and sense of justice from the pool of feminine gender has failed to establish equity in employments. Little room given lends to EXPLOITATION. CORRUPTION is uniformally everywhere. Alas such a judiciary that is incapableof defenging its owm ranks and bodies passes judgement on how Defence forces must run their business. Doob gai lutia... Wish Judiciary could do some introspection put their own house in order.

Sanjay said...


Anupam said...

Well brought out buddy. There are too many issues that need to be addressed before we could have admitted women in NDA. What is surprising is the spineless attitude of senior hierarchy in accepting the diktat. The consequences have neither been thought through, nor articulated to the judiciary. Unfortunately someone else’s will be left holding the can of worms

Unknown said...

The physical standards should be kept same for both men and women officers as the combat arms the enemy will differentiate between them. For them they will remain adversaries. Service in combat arms is physically demanding and leader not fit enough or laging behind will always affect the overall effectiveness of the group they lead.

Unknown said...

Very well brought out sir once again

Bubesh said...

Great write up, on a more serious subject than usual for 'sense of nonsense' series..
Women in NDA will become as normal as women in OTA ..but that's not the question . But it is about the lack of sensitivity of the judiciary and bureaucracy to the nature of military profession as such that is irksome..
The elitist approach to gender equality that you touched is something never discussed by the so called intelligentsia of the country. Leave alone gender equality in Other ranks of armed forces, they would never talk even about the differetial wages between male and female workers in unirganised sectors, be it construction workers or agricultural labourers...
Moreover, the politicians, bureaucracy and judiciary think that officers class in armed forces are like the officer class of other civil services..they have no understanding that the statuary rank officer does not automatically make one a military leader worthy of following to the death for his subordinates..One has to eat with the men, share the hardships play with with them, rub shoulders with them and prove oneself worthy. Whereas, in a civil service an officer can exercise the authority merely on the basis of the statutory powers vested in them..That is the difference that the cheerleaders of this kind of gender equality don't seem to fathom..

Unknown said...

Why a separate cirriculum. Its about equality afterall isn't it. Why dilute standards, the one who awill meet the standards will pass the one who won't will not pass just like happens to male cadets. An officer is a officer first, gender comes later

Sanjay said...

Start of a new act is always debatable....
I have visited posts where girls are performing duties with young boys along the IB....infrastructure has been created for their while the sentiments are respected it was a thing waiting to happen....
the blog is as usual a good read....

vishy said...

thought provoking as usual..Lets be the change we want to see..high time we open up..yes admin issues ..syllabus..outdoor can be as per OTA to start with..over time it will converge..route is rough...destination is beautiful..

MuksIaf said...

Lucidly put as always. Issues have been highlighted. In my opinion it is a colossal waste of national resources for four years (NDA + IMA/AFA/NA) unless they are inducted into combat arms. Combat arms however, would not be kind to the dilution of physical standards that is today a fait accompli because the enemy will not be. I am not sure how carefully was this aspect deliberated by the lordships. The elephant in the room is off course the non officer ranks. Strange silence on that.

Nitin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glad Gladiator said...

Amazing as always Suyash!
It is so surprising, that the Judiciary is passing orders, the govt is accepting everything so meekly, and our own Top Brass have sealed their lips!!!

Nitin said...

Valid points brought out very dispassionately. Xomplstely echo the sentiments. Cannot even say that the last bastion has fallen to the 'enemy'! Strange are their ways..

Ashutosh Tewari said...

Well structured. Key issues covered.
My Crystal Ball saw the world changing on its axis a decade back. In it I saw a major social order restructuring. Women standing up for their rights, men giving them their rights, women competing and beating men in fds, women leading the change Matrix, a biological shift in physics proess, leadership roles, entrepreneurs. A society predominantly run by women. While the Talibaan culture may not subscribe as yet but SA has shown intent. There is a larger movement in place which is going to redefine our cultures. Metoo, NDA and office and sports space..All is due for an overhaul.
Pay attention Jets She is Hot n Ready

Mike James said...

Of course standards will be diluted. Only a brave officer will dare to relegate a lady cadet. So the whole equality thing is just humbug. And if they are in any case going to join the services and certain supporting arms there really was no need to route them through NDA. But on the lighter side things get better n better at NDA for cadets and selected DSs.

Sujay said...

Why blame Babus and politicians when men in uniform can't fight their own battle.It is easy to blame politicians but the truth is behaviour of men in uniform is like Ostrich.

Col Jitendra Singh said...

Nicely penned down

CS Prabhakar said...

Pertinent points Suyash but no harm in trying and giving them a chance. Maybe they are better than we think. The point of them being taken as soldiers is well brought out.

Sheraz Varma said...

That moment of epiphany.....let them fairer sex into the warzone, for they shalt down there enemy with their equal strength, equal rigour and more than equal sleep with the boys bonhomie...or girlhomie. May the SC please also tell Pakistan,China and terrorists to send female counterparts only.... after all it'll be a Bantam Weight all girls saga in the ring...isn't it an Olympic game, or is it real world warfare...tch tch... Time to take our Justices to the border, for mere Justice.

Deepak Makhija said...

Lesser said the better...courts are meddling in everything...wisdom of judiciary is becoming a suspect with every passing day. Everything cannot be looked from the lense of gender equality. Bad decision.

Roopesh said...

A good read sir…. Though being an ex NDA…. Really anxious to see how it unfolds ….. I wish it doesn’t kill the NDA ethos..

Kalyan Pitre said...

It would be interesting to see the hospital data of OTA lady cadets . Training imparted vs the injury details . Must add psychological analysis pre and post trg as well .
Second is the trg to be imparted vis a vis the operational reqmts in the army and the gap therein . I am sure there will be a big gap . A youngster when commissioned is expected to take up all physical ragda type assignments. X-C and other endurance type competitions . From what I saw in a cat A institution, the lady offrs tried to wriggle out of routine night duties , leave out other rigorous duties .
Sorry for the negative comments but it does seem to be a case of a bridge too far ….
But yet again a great write up …

Unknown said...

Very well written, as usual, Suyash... Never thought we would ever see this happen.. sad, but true.

Jags said...

See a torrent of posts with mildly flavoured abuse(blame?) against judiciary, higher ranks of armed forces etc in not standing up for keeping NDA a boys' club. Seems people just want to not smell the coffee. Now that the decision is done & dusted, accept it with good grace and implement it without fear or favour. If it doesn't work out, go back after a few years and present data backed arguments to reverse the decision. This public crying is only making the armed forces seem like a boys club loathe to open up and face the new reality.

Anil Kumar F/70 said...

Suyash! A Very Balanced and Holistic Write up with a Comprehensive analysis from Various angles.As we all have seen the System will adapt to the Changes and the Cradle for Leadership would definitely Groom them as Capable Leaders.

Manoj said...

Candid views, well put across. Apprehensions are real. Senior leadership hasn't tried hard enough or hasn't been able to drive home the pitfalls of rushing into the decision. Hope the implementation is well thought through!!

Vasandani said...

Very well written Suyash. I love reading your blog. You tend to put in your views very well. Thanks

Sanjay said...

Kash Supreme court ke judges bhi padh paate tumahara blog...... Vadian #