Sunday 5 September 2021


 Let their flesh be renewed like a child’s; let them be restored as in the days of their youth”—JOB 33:25. Thus spake the Bible; closer home Jagjit Singh’s immortalised Gazal 

देने वाले मुझे मौजों की रवानी दे दे,फिर से एक बार मुझे मेरी जवानी दे दे

अब्र होजाम हो, साक़ी हो मेरे पहलू में,कोई तो शाम मुझे ऐसी सुहानी दे दे

Shadab Lahori’s verses describe our feelings and emotions, having just returned after a reunion of 60 plus NDA course-mates, band of brothers, rogues, each one an emperor! 

Every reunion we are reborn, emerge fresh as a lark, as though it was just yesterday when we entered the haloed Pashan Gate, as if in a daze. The cradle where we entered as young boys and graduated as men of honour, National Defence Academy.Having grown up and forced to lead a rather mature adult life, we long for those carefree days and these Reunions fulfil that desire.

If I were to say that Covid has taken a massive toll on the social life, it would be an understatement. We hanker for company, long to meet our dear friends, buddies since last almost four decades. We have shared good and bad times, been through some nightmares and exhilarating spirited moments. Unfortunately one of the major effects of the lockdown during this pandemic was the extended time spent staring at the screens of mobile, pad or Laptops. Like in all other groups, our Course too has had its share of fracas amongst the Right and Left, Hindu-Muslim etc. In fact sometimes the attacks became very personal and vicious. The level of toxicity was multiplying exponentially. The liberals believed themselves to be the true inheritors of our secular legacy, while the Right believed that it was high time the wrongs of centuries needed to be corrected. Deja vu….I am sure almost all the groups have caught this bug.

Time for Bob Bakshi, the course logistician, josh box to get into the act, he announces a course get-together, the venue and date are fixed, we were expected to confirm  our acceptance by return mail/message. Lo and behold there were sixty one of us who confirmed. Friends from Bangalore, Hyderabad and Mhow travelled all the way to Delhi some flew in, some drove down, just to be friends, to relive those good old days, that backslap, the warm hugs, handshakes to reinforce the bonds which even the pandemics can not shake! Just guffaw over nonsensical jokes to an onlooker. Started on a sombre note by condoling the unfortunate demise of some friends during this pandemic. But as the drinks flowed the toxicity vanished… we went back to being just the bunch of 16 year olds once again, pulling each other’s legs over the receding hairlines and growing waistlines, genuinely happy and pleased with the career progress of some, enquiring about spouses, kids, their careers, matrimony, grandparenthood and also concerns about the looming retirement ahead for some of us. We discussed about our chosen retirement abodes and how we could just live it up in the days ahead…All in all , bon homie, camaraderie and joie de vivre………Long live the brotherhood!!!


Akshaya Handa said...

Missed you guys. Thanks for helping absentees live the get together

KPM Das said...

Well done!!!

Anil Raj said...

Wonderful Suyesh…always a joy to be able to meet with buddies….new memories added….👏👌👍💐

BOBBY said...

The everlasting bond.

Random Thoughts... said...

A lovely evening and very much required because of the weeks preceding it.. Exactly what and how you've described in this piece.. Also proves my hypothesis, we are much better or normal in person.. It's on social media that our darker side comes out.. Nice read..

Kalyan Pitre said...

Yes . All gtg’s do revive ones course and coarse spirit which is the dire need in these COVID times . Also helps us to connect to ones roots again which creates memories for the coming times ...
Again a good topic and a great write up ...

Anonymous said... should be a journo for a sports daily !! So disciplined and so quick...
Mahendra Negi

Pankaj said...

Much needed GTG and quick update by You in your usual style!!!

Keep it up.

shyam sunder said...

Missed it!

Sudhir Nagpal said...


Vijay said...

Nice Suyash. You captured our feelings perfectly

Asmita Reddy said...

Great writeup

Deepak said...

The bonds only grow stronger each passing day.. distance makes the heart grow fonder ..
Well said Suyash each meeting adds to our lives..
Yaara teri yaari Jaan se bhi pyaari...

God bless my buddyzz !!

Unknown said...

Suyash, as always excellent one and in quick time too.It was a special evening. Keep writing brother.

arun sharma said...

Wonderful initiative by Bob. Wish I could have been there.

S B Singh said...

Nicely captured 👍👍👍 and put in front for all to recollect, reflect and imbibe.

Pradeep said...

Great share

vishy said...

your reflections and vivid description is very live..many hv missed the moment but we lived it thru this..thanks a lot..

Sulabh said...

So true. age is only a number... Mitrata bhi shashwat hai...

Pani said...

Look forward to the next get together. Too enticing!!

DS Gill said...

Suyash …. Very true. Sharing it with coursemates if not for a GTG at least to reduce the social media to city.

Suyash Sharma sir said...

Sir excellent one . Gr8 write up

Vipul Segan said...

Great write up Suyash

Glad Gladiator said...

Suyash! You are a magician with words! So nicely brought out.... The Brotherhood and Camaraderie of course mates!!!

CS Prabhakar said...

Fantastic and at right time. It was fantastic meeting so many buddies

Praveen said...

Excellent portray of prevailing global ecosystem wherein Americans are losing their shine. Yesterday itself heard that French President has called back his ambassadors from US & Australia over dishonor on a nuclear submarine contract. Your fiction & narrative is simply too Good Sir.

Sanjay said...

Missed the action but not the essence thanks to the freeflowing pen of a foever recalling mind. Keep up the musings Suyash. Regards Sanjay

Bisht said...

Nice article Suyash...Wish we could meet at least once in six months to keep ourselves young like an evergreen tree.Keep it up buddy.
